Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Your True Enemy In Regards to Happiness - Your Tongue

It is so ingrained in our culture that most of us don't even realize what we are doing... yet it destroys us in more ways than you would imagine.

An example, yesterday at my place of employment, a car got into an accident where it almost came through the window literally - right towards me. What proceeded immediately thereafter is what I'm referring to. Immediately everyone started gathering, making fun of the driver, joking, laughing.

They were glued to the window calling others over to laugh at the poor man who had just for goodness sakes gotten into an accident that was probably quite scary. It didn't help that he had to take a sobriety test right by the window either. The mockers got more than their share of entertainment.

Then I listened more. The conversation behind me a group making fun of another's ideas. Across the room, bickering about this and that. Literally almost EVERY conversation was something picking on others. WHY do we do this?

I can say one thing. If you do, for the sake of popularity, join in on such conversations, you won't be popular for long. Even though it seems that everyone 'wants' you to join in (remember what I said earlier about people just having bad days and venting) IF you take part, they won't see you the same again.

I literally changed my perception of several coworkers yesterday. People I thought were kind, loving, and people that saw the best in others, I now saw as mockers and people who could potentially mock me. It is what happens with all. We hear them talk bad about another and the sensitivity in our nature does sympathise with the one being talked of. Some join in to keep from being the next target- thinking surely if I join in and am on their side I won't be the one being mocked. But people who mock will always mock. Getting close to them only increases your chances.

If you want to have the old time charm and elegance of the fascinating women of old, you must tame your tongue. It is imperative that you are seen as one that others can trust to see the best in others. No gossip will ever be fascinating. It is the quickest way to make yourself look flawed, bitter, envious, and ugly.

The people that said nothing looked the best. Be one of those people. There are so many things that involve others that will affect our image. Do we keep appointments? Are we there for others? Do we recognize them or roll our eyes as we glance at our watch. How you make others feel both behind their backs and to their face is the single most important factor in how you will be perceived.

If you long to be amazing and angelic... the kind of woman men adore, you must develop a habit of lifting others us. Of truly BEING the type of person we all can love and adore.

In a housewive's role I think it is essential. No woman can truly be nurturing unless she is the type of woman who loves and uplifts others. Your inner spirt affects your outer beauty in more ways than you would ever realize. If you think ugly thoughts, your face will host an ugly expression.

The more loving kind and gentle the thoughts, the more gentle and lovely your expression an sadly if you think proud thoughts your face will host a vain look that most despise.

Think on lovely things. Make it your goal to not utter or take part in ugly talk. When you catch yourself thinking poorly of another immediately think something lovely of them until it can become second nature to you. Practice this in your homes and with your husbands and children. Watch the effect it has on them and the change it makes in how they respond to you. Make it your goal to truly BE the lovely woman you long to be.

Practice this! I promise you it will have more of an effect on your lovliness than any other thing. Women of old went to charm school to learn such things. It was well known that posture and thoughts affected your beauty. That the true key TO being lovely and beautiful was a loveliness to your thoughts. When you watch the housewives shows out now. You will see that the reason they are not lovely is all above. No amount of makeup or lovely clothes can compare to the loveliness of a gentle expression. It is what men crave now and largely why men stopped being fascinated by women. Yet, it is something we can each control. One of my favorite quotes says it all, "Be the change you want to see in the world." Start today.

This news article is brought to you by PARENTING KIDS - where latest news are our top priority.

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