Saturday, July 16, 2011

How to Get Dates - 3 Simple Adjustments To Make Right Now

I am writing this article because of a conversation that I had recently with an old friend of mine who confided that he was having trouble getting dates. The look on his face pretty much said it all. It was having a negative impact on his life and his happiness. I'm sure you can relate to this in some way, we all can. Anyways, he wanted to get some advice on how to get dates, and so, I started to feed him some suggestions. Much to my surprise, he seemed pretty defensive against one statement that I made. And that statement was... that he had to make some changes.

Guys can be resistant to change, it's almost like it is hard wired into our DNA to resist making changes to ourselves. The problem with that is... nothing really changes until YOU make some changes. So, if you are not getting any luck when it comes to dating, if it seems almost impossible to meet the right woman, then chances are... something has got to change.

With that being said, here are 3 simple adjustments that you can make right now to help you get dates right away:

1) Have some pretty wild goals in life.

How would this apply to dating and in helping you get dates? Well, it's really no secret that women are much more attracted to men of achievement than they are to slackers. You are going to impress a woman a lot more if in talking to her you reveal that you have some pretty wild and big goals in life than if you go on and on about how no one can beat you in beer pong and you can kick some serious rear when it comes to Xbox. Set some goals that are pretty big and work on them. Then, watch the response that you get from women when you reveal your life goals.

2) Be realistic about the women you approach.

By this, I don't mean that you should not approach women out of your league. What I mean is... be realistic in the way that you approach them. Do you really think that she is going to fall for whatever line your buddy fed you and guaranteed that it works, when he himself struggles to get dates? Or, do you really think that approaching a woman when she is in a bad mood is going to help you get a date with her? Be realistic when you make your approach and you will do much better.

3) Square yourself up before you go out.

I could also say... set yourself up for success. This means that you need to get your house in order, straighten it up. Make sure that you look your best before you go out, give yourself an extra 5-10 minutes to get ready if you need to. Drive your own car to the bar and stay away from the drinks if you want to get a woman to go home with you.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I Get Thanked For Saving Marriages, But Single Women Should Also Pay Attention

I receive a fair amount of emails from men and women, some of which suggest that I saved their marriages. I am grateful for the opportunity to help couples stay together. I'm a huge supporter of marriage, and I recognize how much work is required to maintain a good one.

My marriage is in its fourth year and I have used all the same suggestions I offer in my articles and on my website to make it the best marriage possible. Considering that I was single for twenty-five years, and had horrific relationships with women during that time, I consider my successful marriage significant. I'm not a particularly exceptional guy, but I pay close attention to my behavior with my wife.

In the hope that my suggestions will be utilized by women, I offer them what I know works in terms of finding an appropriate partner. It's a small amount of work compared to getting involved in a new relationship every few months. Good marriages are entirely dependent on finding the right man who can help build one.

I resent the ubiquitous articles that purport to teach women various tricks to get men to fall in love with them, propose to them, appeal to them, etc. There are no tricks required to have a man fall in love with you, and the notion of tricking men into anything suggests that relationships are shallow pools, and that men are easily manipulated. Neither is true.

The fallacy of tricking a man into a relationship is that once you've tricked him into one, what other tricks will you need to use to keep him? Dishonesty is a part of everyone's daily life. Politicians lie to us, businesses lie to us, and advertising lies to us, and on and on. Do we really need suggestions on how to lie to get what we want in relationships?

These are cheap tricks, and like all cheap tricks, the reality is quickly discovered. Instead of reading about how to trick men into anything, I suggest that women think in terms of how to find the right guy by doing some simple homework. It doesn't take any more time than learning deceitful tricks, and it's guaranteed to be more helpful.

Asking men the right questions, upfront, is of major importance. There are no tricks involved in asking men the following:

1. What did you learn from your last failed relationship? The answer, nothing, should get you out of your chair and out of the café immediately. A man who is unwilling to assume responsibility for his part in a failed relationship, won't assume any in yours either. No sense of personal responsibility is a deal killer.

2. Do you have any men friends? A man who has no men friends likely has trust issues with men. He may also have trust issues with women. If you become involved with a lone wolf, you will be forced to assume responsibility for your relationship's entire social world. That's a burden no woman should have to carry.

3. Have you done any type of emotional work? Has he read any books, been to any workshops, done any individual or group therapy, been in a men's group, or been involved in any activity that relates to emotional health? A no answer should discourage you from pursuing this guy.

Just asking these three questions puts you way ahead of women who think finding the right guy is all about the numbers, and that dating lots of men is the solution. It's not, and frankly, it's an enormous waste of time and energy. The notion of having to kiss a lot of frogs to find the man of your dreams is misguided.

If you think that one or two out of three is okay, think again. Three out of three is okay, and nothing less, unless you want to be out on the dating scene again in a few months looking for Mr. Right.

A good marriage is only possible with the right guy. Nothing less will work. Tall and handsome are wonderful qualities, but they won't make a relationship work. A rich man doesn't necessarily have any more relationship skills than a man who isn't. Brilliant men don't necessarily have skills either.

Don't sell yourself short. You don't have to settle, ever. You're better off alone than with the wrong guy, and more important, if you're with the wrong guy, you'll never meet the right one.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Dating Tips for Guys to Know - The Qualities That Attract Women

dating is more of an art than it is a science. That's why I want to remind you that while there are some pretty universal qualities that attract women, don't get stuck in the vacuum of thinking that all women want exactly the same thing or that there is one technique that will make all women respond favorably to you. I've seen some guys fall under that impression, and they usually quickly find out that it's not exactly true. Still, there are some qualities that are pretty universal, meaning that while not all women are attracted to these qualities, they do tend to be what a lot of women are attracted to.

Guys that understand what these qualities are will undoubtedly have a much easier time attracting women than those who don't. Of course, just knowing what these qualities are will not guarantee you any success with women. You have to be able to take these qualities and build on them so that you can make them effective for you.

Anyways, here are a few qualities that are attractive to (most) women:

1. Honesty.

I know, it's sounds a little too squeaky clean to hear this, but let me explain what I really mean. Most men are trying really hard to come across as being really close to perfect when they want to impress a woman. So, many times they will exaggerate things or even make things up with the hopes that this will be impressive to a woman. And you know what? Sometimes it works for a short time. The thing is, it usually does not work out long term. Usually you will get busted on it. But, there is a little more as to why honesty is such an attractive quality. It shows REAL CONFIDENCE. Let's say that you don't make a lot of money, and you are honest about that. That might turn off some women ( the gold diggers), but to a lot of women it will be REFRESHING, because income is one of the most lied about things when a guy is trying to impress a woman.

2. Sense of Calmness.

This is a very attractive quality to many women and it's one that is actually kind of rare. Anyone can be calm in a calm situation. Not everyone can be calm when things get a little chaotic. In fact, most people lose their calm when things get a little chaotic. So, having a sense of calmness in most situations is actually a pretty rare quality to have. And what do people seem to value most in this world? Things that are perceived to be rare. And that is true of the qualities men have that women find attractive. So, if you are in a situation where a typical guy would get "frazzled," show her your rare quality of staying calm and in control of your emotions.

3. The ability to make something out of nothing.

This might sound like a good quality to have in business (and it is), but it can be good in other situations as well. Here's what I mean: Let's say that you make plans to take a woman out somewhere and for whatever reason, it's not happening. Maybe the restaurant bumped you even though you had a reservation. Can you turn the night around and still make it enjoyable for her? If you can, if you can take that nothing situation and make it special, you will WOW her. Trust me.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.