Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Dating Advice: How to Avoid 3 Deadly Dating Traps and Prepare for a Fulfilling, Happy Relationship

Do you like the way the singles dating scene works today? If you ask most singles, they don't. The old ways of dating just aren't effective anymore. Why not? What is going on?

When I was in the dating scene, I remembered that I had a need to be happy. I was also afraid of being alone for the rest of my life. Sounds simple and innocent, doesn't it?

While my goal was to be happy in my relationships, I didn't know how. As a result, I mostly stumbled along the dating scene and made a lot of poor relationship choices that left me in some dating traps and feeling unhappy, afraid and confused.

So let's take a look at 3 deadly dating traps and how to avoid them so that you can prepare yourself for a fulfilling, happy relationship. A dating trap is an unsolvable problem that result in unhappiness in a relationship.

Dating Trap #1 - The Attraction Trap

When you fall into the Attraction Trap, you make relationship choices based on feelings of attraction. For example, you interpret a strong physical attraction to someone as a sign that the relationship is a good choice. This approach results in relationship failure because you ignored the red flags while infatuated.

Attraction is the radar that helps us find our partner. But when you are in the Attraction Trap, you are blindly following this radar. Rather than make relationship choices based on feelings of attraction, ask yourself why you are attracted to this person and if that person meets your relationship requirements.

How to Avoid: Balance your attractions by defining your Requirements and use them to scout, sort, and screen potential partners.

Dating Trap #2 - The Love Trap

This trap happens when you interpret infatuation, attraction, need, good sex, and/or attachment as love. If it feels good then it must be love. You feel so in love that it must be a great relationship. But after the infatuation goes away, you spend the rest of your time together just trying to get it back.

How to Avoid: Make conscious relationship choices by defining your Requirements and use them to scout, sort, and screen partners.

Dating Trap #3 - The Sex Trap

This is one of the biggest dating traps that Singles fall into. Falling into the Sex Trap means usually means one of two things:

1. Singles believe that sex is a necessary test of compatibility; that is, if the sex is good then the relationship will be good.

2. Or, more commonly, all consciousness goes away and both singles believe they are a committed couple because they had good sex

How to avoid: Make conscious relationship choices by defining your requirements and actively use them to scout, sort, and screen potential partners. Remember and understand that a fulfilling relationship needs more than great sex to thrive.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Attraction And Connection

Attraction is important at ANY stage of a relationship, whether you're single and going on a first date or meeting a man at a coffee shop, or you've been married for years.

Attraction is what a man feels in his heart whenever you enter a room or call him on the phone. He thinks of you and feels safe and thrilled at the same time.

When a man feels attraction for you, he can't help but want to BE AROUND you all the time. When he's away from you too long, he begins to feel that something fundamental is missing and he longs to touch you and be close to you.

Attraction is what makes a man FALL IN LOVE with you - deeply, romantically, helplessly. Attraction compels a man to want to give up his single life, where he lives, his work, other women - just about anything in order to be near you and with you.

But attraction isn't the only factor in why a man will stay devoted and committed to you.

You also need a strong CONNECTION with him. A strong connection means that he can trust you with his feelings. A strong connection means that he understands you and he knows in his heart that you understand him.

When he feels a connection with you as a lover and partner, he is inspired to want to take care of your well being and be tender with your heart.

To him, feeling truly and emotionally connected means that he's not just your friend, but also your life partner and your lover and your confidant.

It does NOT mean he's your "caretaker" or under your care or "management" or someone he feels OBLIGATED to.

That's not a real connection, and if he feels that way about you, then you will have a tumultuous, unstable relationship where he will often get angry, act clueless, or withdraw into his own world more often than not.

This is why, whether you're a single woman who's dating or a woman who's been married for years, you need these two qualities of attraction and connection in order to make any new or long- term relationship actually WORK and THRIVE.

If your love life isn't what you wish it could be because:

-- every man you meet loses interest, stops calling, or changes the way he behaves toward you

-- you feel jealous, obsessive or desperate because the man you're with brings up ALL your insecurities

-- you find yourself always being too "understanding" and therefore feeling numb, angry or resentful most of the time in your relationship

-- you're always fighting, managing misunderstandings or putting up with "the silent treatment" with your man

Then I want to help you immediately with two of my programs that address attraction and connection and help you with BOTH aspects.

My Modern Siren online video program is all about how to create intense attraction between you and a man by using your emotions and genuine feminine qualities to be a "magnet" or a Siren to him.

Modern Siren will show you, step-by-step, how to use your voice, your words, the way you stand and walk, and the "vibe" you put forward to subconsciously trigger that powerful feeling of ATTRACTION in him.

This can be something that you can change in literally MINUTES with a man.

You'll be describing something and telling him about your day, and he won't be able to get you out of his mind for hours, or even DAYS.

He'll think, "What was it about her? She's mesmerizing. I can't wait to see her again." This is the magic of being a "Siren" to a man.

If you're in a relationship or married, it will re-ignite that spark in your man, and he'll suddenly become more affectionate and more attentive. He won't understand why he's suddenly feeling a rekindling of his love for you, but he will - and you'll notice it!

Then, with my Reconnect Your Relationship audio CD program, you'll learn two important things -

-- All the reasons why men withdraw and get distant and what to do about it when this happens

-- How to manage your feelings of anger, jealousy, rage and resentment (ANY negative feelings that come up) by EXPRESSING them in a way that brings you CLOSER and reconnects your relationship stronger than ever.

"Reconnect" is NOT about stuffing down, pretending, using fake words or manipulating a man into feeling "ok" around you!

Reconnect is about how to do less in a relationship, how to step back, and how to let a man step up and feel closer to you in the process.

Reconnect will show you how to let a man make HIMSELF happy by making YOU happy, instead of you focusing so much on him and his needs and complaints.

if you're feeling lonely and almost desperate because you can't attract the right man, or the right man just doesn't seem to want to stick around, I can help.

There are two critical qualities that every relationship needs in order to have a spark and then long-term potential: attraction and connection.

If you're not sure or you don't know how to be so completely irresistible to a man that he drops EVERYTHING to be with you and only you, and then how to inspire him to want to commit and STAY devoted to you forever, then you'll most likely suffer in love the way I did before I discovered this fact.

This is why I want to help you today, by showing you how to use your genuine feminine qualities that will not only help him fall deeply in love with you this Fall, but how to CONNECT with him using words and body language so he'll feel excited and inspired to devote himself to your happiness.

I do this with my two programs, Modern Siren and Reconnect Your Relationship.

From now until September 28th, you can try these two programs together for one special price.

Check it out here:
And that new way of being with men that makes it so that every single moment you spend with a man - whether it's a first meeting, or a first date, or an evening with a man you've been with for months or years - feels great and gets you closer to the relationship you want.

I explain everything in Reconnect Your Relationship.

Reconnect will lift your self-esteem and help you feel strong instead of at the mercy of a man and what he's doing or feeling.

You'll feel in control of your emotions and you'll start to really communicate with him in a way that he'll listen and actually care.

You can see for yourself how Reconnect and Modern Siren are a powerful combination for getting the love you want this Fall, because these two programs will walk you through how to first create powerful attraction, and then feel secure in his love with a strong connection.

This is why for a very short time, I am offering both Modern Siren and Reconnect Your Relationship together for one special price.

In Modern Siren, you'll learn how to close the gap between how a man really sees you and what he wants and hopes you'll be, all by being totally YOURSELF and never compromising who you are.

You'll see actual role-playing exercises with real women who have tough relationship issues, so you can learn what to do and say in some of the most common situations that frustrate you.

Siren is the complete "how-to" guide on how to trigger that craving and longing inside him for you, and how to make him fall in love, not just "care" about you.

And Reconnect will reveal how to create an unbreakable connection between you and a man, no matter how bad your relationship is now, or how flakey or "uncertain" he's acting.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Why Did He Lead Me On and Then Disappear

A man often does send us these signals that he is into us right from the beginning of dating. He calls, sets up dates in advance, texts and keeps in touch. You start to get excited and let your guard down. You feel good about this, after all the dating gurus say watch a man's actions and not his words right? So what happens here? Why are you are left wondering why he disappeared without a clue.

It's important to realize men often live in the moment. Sure they have goals, just not at this moment. They may give you gifts in the beginning, nice thoughtful phone calls and want to spend time with you. These things are great and hopefully they will last, but they don't always do so. The man has one goal in the moment upon meeting you. His goal is to woo you and win you. This does not always translate that he wants a commitment.

The man who you felt lead you on and disappeared may very well want a relationship. He didn't lie to you when he told you this necessarily. He really does want a relationship, he just doesn't know if he wants it with you or right now. Have you ever started dating a guy and really liked him in the beginning only to get a few weeks or even months down the road and decide he isn't really the guy for you. You still want a relationship, you just realize it's not with him. You may have even told him a relationship is what you wanted. Should you be tarred and feathered for changing your mind?

If you don't think men are motivated by winning, think again. Observe them in a group watching a ball game or race or other sport and you decide. When they meet a girl that gets their interest, their goal for the time being becomes to win her. In the beginning, you can enjoy this winning behavior, but the true test comes later.

If you have been dating a while and his efforts stay the same or increase, you may have found a keeper. If on the other hand, you notice his efforts begin to decrease, chances are he isn't in it for the long haul. Hopefully you won't be so hopelessly in love at this point that you will struggle to let him go or start making excuses for him. Hopefully you won't still try to hold on and hope that he will change his mind or be left scratching your head wondering why he disappeared.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Monday, September 26, 2011

How to Find a Girlfriend

So you are wondering how to find a girlfriend. Well, you're not alone who is trying to find a girlfriend. There are a number of guys who are trying to find a girlfriend to fulfill their lives. But the biggest problem with those guys is they don't know how to find a girlfriend.

If you are one of those guys, you are lucky because you have reached on the right place. Here are the useful steps to find a girlfriend of your dream.

How to find a girlfriend?

Tip# 1. Before doing any other thing to get a girlfriend, you should invest in yourself and improve yourself. Preparation is the key. It is important to work on your personality and flirting skill. Personality development is important so that you can attract the women who fit in your criteria. It is important that you achieve the characteristics that women find attractive in a man.

Tip #2. It should be crystal-clear which type of woman you want. Write down on a paper what you want from your potential girlfriend. Now if you want a religious girlfriend then you should go to the Churches in your area. If you want a hot and sexy girlfriend, you should to Gyms or join bands. If you want a high IQ girlfriend, you should go to Libraries. So, once you know what you want, getting a girlfriend will be far easier for you.

Tip #3. Now, take a paper and write down the places where you can find your potential girlfriend. You have already known which type of woman you want. So, it will have cleared where you can pick up her. Go to those places, and you will meet your potential girlfriend.

Tip #4. Once you meet your potential girlfriend, you need to approach her. Pay close attention on your first date and find out whether she is good for you or not. If you find that she is not good enough for you, date with other women until you don't get the perfect one. Maybe it is quite unrealistic for you to date with multiple women because at this time you're still alone. That's why you need to know how to attract and approach women. You need to improve your inner game. You need to develop some flirting and seduction skills.

Want to improve your inner game? Want to be a man women want?

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Friday, September 9, 2011

The 10 Best Ways to Surprise Her On Valentine's Day

Ah, Valentine's Day; the day men secretly love to hate. Since it comes around every year without fail, why not embrace it this time and give her an amazing surprise to show her you not only remembered the wonderful day of love, but also care about her and want to show it. If you want to go for boyfriend-of-the-year, try incorporating a few of these ideas throughout the day and really sweep her off her feet!

10) Spoil Her with a Shopping Trip Together: Let's be honest, next to Christmas, Valentine's Day might be one of the most materialistic days of the year, minus the good will towards men. So why not embrace the consumerist day of love and spoil your lady? Fun for her, and easy for you. She'll be delighted to not only go shopping, but spend the day with the man she cares about. Have fun getting her to try on a nice outfit for her to wear to dinner or let her choose a beautiful piece of jewelry you might have been too afraid to buy for her on your own. Make a day out of it by booking a reservation to a restaurant so she can wear her new Valentine's Day gift out with you.

9) Rent a Horse and Carriage or Limo for a Night Out: Depending on where you live, arranging a private horse and carriage might be a bit of a challenge, but renting a limo is just as romantic and both will be sure to surprise her this Valentine's Day. Make an evening of it, by taking a long drive around town and taking her to a romantic dinner. Have fun in the back of the limo by sipping champagne, and rolling up the barrier and making out like you're teenagers again. She'll feel like the most special lady in town and it will all be thanks to you.

8) Learn Together: This is surprisingly more fun that it sounds. Has she ever mentioned wanting to take a couple's cooking class or dance class with you? What about scuba diving lessons or learning Italian for that trip to Italy you want to eventually take together? There are endless classes available for whatever she's interested in, and taking them with you will not only give her someone to go with, but show her that you care enough to want to share them with her.

7) Make Her Breakfast In Bed: Start the day off by surprising her with breakfast in bed. Cook her favorite breakfast with all the extras she loves, and take extra care to display it on a beautiful breakfast tray. Make it fun by including little Valentine's Day themed treats with the breakfast tray such as cinnamon hearts or personalized M&Ms with messages such as "you + her" or "I love you" on them. Be sure to include a single stemmed rose or a bouquet of her favorite flowers, and take it up a notch by also including a handmade note or Valentine telling her how much you care about her.

6) Pamper Her: Whether you treat her to an indulgent day at the spa, go on a romantic couple's massage together, or take matters into your own hands by creating your own spa at home, the possibilities are endless. You can turn your own bathroom into a spa sanctuary fairly easily by dimming the lights, lighting some candles, running her a bath filled with rose petals, and turning on some relaxing music. Crawl in together and have fun relaxing. Afterwards, continue the indulgent experience by having the bedroom prepared to give her an amazing massage. Products such as scented massage oil, or massage bars help to make the process extra luxurious.

5) Cook Her Favorite Meal: Whether you're a cooking rock star and want to pull out all the stops, or have cooking skills that would make Martha Stewart cringe, making your girl her favorite meal (or attempting to) is one of the sweetest things you can do for her this Valentine's Day. Research her favorite meal online and choose a highly-rated recipe to follow, so you can be sure that you're on the right track. If you're brave, try making her a dessert to go with the meal. Easy ideas include chocolate mousse, or chocolate fondue with strawberries or fruit. Don't forget to dress the table up for Valentine's Day with a bouquet of her favorite flowers.

4) Create a Romantic Scavenger Hunt: Have some fun with Valentine's Day this year, and let your creativity run wild as you surprise your lady with a love-themed scavenger or treasure hunt. If you're feeling up to it, create an elaborate scavenger hunt by using your relationship and past experiences as the theme. Use clues and familiar locations to lead her all over collecting new clues and little gifts and rewards at each point. Use questions such as "our first date", or "where we first kissed" to keep her heading all the way back to your place, where you can surprise her yet again with an amazing dinner cooked by you or an indulgent massage. A sexy treasure hunt in your place is another fun way to surprise her. Scatter clues and sexy gifts all around, such as massage oil, or lingerie, eventually leading to the bedroom to put those treats to use!

3) Re-create Your First Date: Arguably once of the most romantic things you can do for her. Revisiting the same restaurant you two first had dinner at or going back to the same mini-golf joint brings back a ton of nostalgic memories and is sure to conjure up those early giddy feelings of butterflies and excitement. Tell her you're going out for Valentine's Day, but don't give her details. Once you two arrive, she'll quickly realize the reasons for your choice. Women always remember the little things, and knowing that you remembered your first date will mean a lot to her and make her grateful to have you.

2) Plan a Romantic Getaway: This doesn't have to be as expensive as it sounds. The possibilities are endless and can be completely tailored to your budget without compromising on the romance factor. If you two can only get away for a weekend, then book a cozy bed and breakfast lodge and enjoy the time alone snuggled up by the fireplace, or go cross-country skiing, or wine-tasting for the day. If you have the time and money for it, a week-long vacation to a sunny destination makes for a spectacular surprise. She'll be able to brag to her friends about what an amazing man she has, and you'll be a boyfriend rock star.

1) Pop the Question: A bit intense, maybe. But if you were mulling the idea over for a while now, and waiting for the opportune time to do it, Valentine's Day is perfect. It's not only the most romantic day of the year, but also kills two birds with one stone by taking care of a gift too. She'll be elated, you'll be prince charming, and everyone will be happy. Just be sure to properly plan the proposal, and put some effort and thought into it, women really care about details, and this is certainly a time to make sure the T's are crossed and the I's are dotted.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Monday, September 5, 2011

You Have Her Number - Getting the Confidence to Call Her

You got through asking her for the number and now you pretty much don't know what to do with it. Should you call her today, tomorrow, or the next day? What time should you call her? What should you say?

With all these question running through your head it can be hard to pick up the phone and call her. But here's the important thing to remember; If you wait too long to call her you may find that another guy got the courage up to call her first and you've lost your chance with her forever.

Here are some tips and things to remember to make it easier to call her.

She Wants You To Call Her Sooner Than Later

She didn't just give you her number because you asked. She likes something about you and wants you to give her a call.

In fact, most women will think about you calling for the first couple days. They will tell their friends they are waiting for you to call and fantasize about what you are going to say to them. They will wonder if that phone ringing is you and have to work themselves up to answering the phone each time just in case it is.

After a few days of waiting for you to call she will start to not look forward to you calling as much. She may even start to get pissed off that she's wasted so much energy waiting for you to call. If you call at this point you have lost some of her initial giddiness towards you and you will hear it in her voice. This may make you think she's not interested in you and possibly confirm the fear that you shouldn't have called at all.

The best thing you can do is give her a day you will call her and then call when you say you will. If you say you will give her a shout tomorrow then do that. If you say you will call her during the weekend then do that. This will make it easier on both of you.

If you don't give her a day that you will call then don't be afraid to call within a day or two. She will much rather have a call from you sooner than later - even if it is within 24 hours. She's waiting for your call right from the beginning and the longer you wait to call her the less interest she will have in you calling.

Call Her When She's Home

You may think that calling her during work hours will relieve you from any pressure to start a conversation, but you will just be putting all the pressure on her instead and she may avoid calling you back because of it.

You want to call her during the early evening when you know she is most likely to be home and awake. This will allow you to 'get through' the initial conversation easier than playing tag with her and it will show her that you are considerate of her schedule.

Talk About Nothing Important

Your first conversation on the phone should not be about your fears and goals in life. The whole purpose of the conversation is to get a date at some point in the future, not to find out everything you can about her.

Remind her who you are and talk about the moment that you met. This will lead into a conversation about what happened that day or night and you will find that it will go quite smoothly. Then transition into a conversation about getting together sometime soon.

You can ask her what her favourite food is and then suggest a restaurant that serves that food. You can also just suggest one of your favourite coffee shops or hangouts to go to. Chances are whatever you suggest will be just fine with her.

Make the date and let her know that you are looking forward to it then stop the conversation. If you leave the conversation there she will be looking forward to getting together with you, but if you start to talk about things that she doesn't really want to hear about then you may have her dreading the first date with you. Your goal should be to have her excited about the date and not dreading it!

That's it! If you understand these three things then you should have no problem calling her. Remember that she's excitedly waiting for your call and that your only job during the call is to get a simple date from her. When you call she will be relieved that you called her and start to look forward to the date. That's worth calling her for!

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Winning Over The Best Mate Is Key To A Woman's Heart

A woman's best friend has an incredible influence over her social life and her interactions with men. Women constantly give each other advice and opinions regardless of whether they are wanted or unwanted.

Your woman will listen to what her best friend is saying. Whether she likes it or not or agrees with it or not she will take it on at a subconscious level.

When two people enter a new relationship they want nothing more than for their friends and family to get along with their new flame. If they do it is a massive tick in the box. If not it raises all sorts of ugly questions.

The best friend is right up there with a woman's mother in determining the success of a relationship. If you win over her bestie and get the seal of approval you are well on your way to securing your woman's heart.

This becomes easier if you and her best friend naturally get along and you don't have to try and make her like you. It becomes a lot harder if you don't have a natural friendship chemistry and to some degree you have to force the issue.

It is possible for the best friend to form a poor first impression of you but for you to slowly show her over time that you are the goods and for her to do an about turn on her opinion.

Her are some key tips for getting along with your woman's best friend:

Treat Your Woman Well: This is obvious but it needs to be said. The friends will judge you simply on whether you bring out the best in your woman or whether you make her go into her shell. So treat her with respect and bring out the best.

Don't Flirt With Her Friends: You lose respect with the friends if you flirt with them. It is a fine line trying to strike up a natural friendship without flirting, because that is what you do when meeting new women. But if you flirt with them they will think you will cheat regardless of whether or not you would. Don't allow them to form that impression.

Don't Try Too Hard: If things don't gel naturally the biggest mistake you can do is try too hard. She will think what she thinks of you. You cannot control it. Just do the right things to bring her round in time and show her that her first impression was the wrong one.

Step Back And Allow Them To Be Friends: The bestie is used to being number one in your woman's life. She isn't used to being knocked to number two. She will have seen other men come and go. Let her be number one. Don't get in the way of their friendship. Once she warms up to you she will be a lot happier to let you take over the number one spot in your woman's life.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.