Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Does He Just Want To Sleep With Me? 7 Really Good Tricks to Know It Before He Ends Up Using You

If you have engaged in intercourse early into a relationship, and you are starting to wonder whether or not he is with you for only the sexual activities, then here are a few things you can check to see what his intentions are really about.

How Does He Respond To The "L" Word?

If a guy who is having sex with you is unable to reciprocate feelings of love, then the chances are that he is not willing to put forth an effort as he wants only sex.

How Are Your Phone Conversations?

When you talk on the phone with your boyfriend, and he talks about sex or sex-related items all of the time, it is a good possibility that he is only in it for the physical interactions. You need a guy who enjoys talking to you about your life instead of just his carnal cravings.

How Does He Respond To "No"?

While sex is pleasurable for both of you, and a great way to become intimate, it is also a great way to destroy the primary basis of a relationship. If you say no one night when he wants to have sex, and he gets angry, the chances are that he is just in it for sleeping with you.

Where Do You Hang Out?

If your boyfriend prefers hanging out in an area where you are both alone all of the time like an apartment, house, or basement where no one else is around, he is generally trying to set up the scene for sex. Try to get him out of the house, go out in public, and be around people to get to really connect.

Does He Only Come Over When You're Alone?

While wanting to spend time alone with you is not a bad thing, but if he goes right to physical contact as soon as the two of you are alone, then you may need to take a step back.

Do You Have Boundaries When In Public?

When you are with him around his "gang" he should openly identify you as his girlfriend, and keep physical contact to a minimum. Sitting next to each other, maybe giving him a backrub or holding hands is encouraged as it shows the bond that the two of you have, but more serious signs of PDA should throw up some red flags.

Is He A Cheater?

Hopefully your boyfriend will not go so low as to sleep around if you refuse to have sex with him occasionally, however if he does you need to get out. You deserve to be treated better than that, and there are great guys out there who will respect you for who you are.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dating Advice For Men By Women

dating advice for men by women is universal. By this I mean that most women like pretty much the same things. They like a man who has confidence, likes who he is, and isn't a complete jerk. Don't get me wrong, there are some women who seek out men like this but the relationships that they engage in are not healthy and usually lead to a negative outcome.

So what do women want from men? Below I go over dating advice for men by women who I've talked to and gotten the scoop from. I've boiled down the main aspects into a list of the top things women want to see from men who approach them.

1. Get your act together. Make sure you look and feel your best. Women want a man who looks good and feels good about himself. For you that means you may need to join a gym (or if you don't like working out in public buy a home workout course) and get fit. Quit smoking and stop eating fast-food for every meal. When you eat healthy you look healthy and this is what women want to see. They don't want a guy who smokes and smells like hamburgers.

2. Buy yourself some new clothes and get a haircut. If you really want to make an impression then go for a whole new look! Get some men's magazines and take a look at what's in style. Find a look you think you could pull of and then go for it. If your stylish and well-kempt then your more likely to attract women.

3. Don't be fake. If you're not naturally macho then don't pretend to be. Women don't like men who can't be themselves. What you should do is amplify and accentuate your positive attributes. If you're funny then use your humor. If you're interesting then use whatever makes you interesting.

4. Get out and do stuff! Learn how to play the guitar or piano. Join an intramural sports team. Add some things to your life that show your a happening guy with things going on is his life. If you live at home in your parent's basement then you're not going to attract a lot of women. So you need to get out and change certain things about your life that women may find unattractive. The more you have going on in your life the more attractive you will be to women. Plus you're less likely to be overly needy (which women can't stand).

5. This is a VERY important dating advice for men by women tip: Learn how to have a conversation! Women love a man who can converse with them. Conversation is an art form and if you can master it then you will never be alone again. Understand that it's more then just talking. You need to listen, engage, and ask questions. Ask a woman a specific question about her life or even about what she's wearing. Then listen to what she says and respond so that she knows you listened. Don't interrupt her, don't brag, and don't tell her your life story (at least not at first).

These are some of the most frequent things that women tell me they'd like to see from men who approach them. If you can follow this dating advice for men by women then you'll find your success rate skyrocket! Just remember that it takes some time, patience, and practice before you can get it all down.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Meet Any Girl and Make Her Fall For You

The process to make a girl fall for you is called the seduction process. It can be broken down into three main stages. Each of these progressions - Recognition and Flirting, Conversation, and Chemistry - will be described for you in this article. As you read about each step, keep in mind that you must lead the woman through the seduction process. She ultimately gives the approval, but you maintain control. Understanding these methods will allow you to easily incorporate your existing knowledge and skills into the more advanced topics in later chapters.

Stage 1: Recognition and Flirting

Your Objective: Find Her, Acknowledge Her, Interpret Her Response

This stage is includes checking out your surroundings, observing all the potential target women, and deciding which woman you would like to pick up. Once you decide whom you will target, you must let her know that you are interested. You can do this by making eye contact with her, smiling at her, or giving her a little nod. Then, you must get a response from her. She will likely smile, raise her eyebrows or return the eye contact. Once you receive acknowledgment from her, you will subconsciously start making subtle body movements. These gestures include running your fingers through our hair, stretching, repositioning your self in your chair, touching your face, or adjusting your clothing. You may not even notice your movements - don't worry about it! This behavior is usually a sign of anxiety and your apprehension of actually meeting her and talking to her. Some women may notice your body language, and those who do will find it appealing. It gives a woman indication that you intend to approach her.

After the initial response, you must improve your chances of getting further recognition from her. Make sure you are in her line of vision. Adjust your position in the room so that you are facing her. Then subtly scan the room and, without looking AT her, try to catch her eye for another moment of eye contact. Now it is up to her to either discourage you or encourage you. She will either show interest, or she will turn away from you. If she turns away, cut your losses and move on to the next woman you find attractive. Don't waste your time on a woman who isn't interested. If she smiles at you, or moves towards you, this means she is interested. If she makes eye contact with you, be sure to smile! It conveys the message that you are interested, and you would like to meet her. Watch her body language for subtle gestures of encouragement - anything from fidgeting with her glass, looking down, or touching her face or hair. Any of this behavior indicates that she wants to meet you. She is inviting you with her body language. Keep in mind that women know quite well how to reject men. If she smiles at you or makes an effort to straighten her appearance then she is definitely sending you a signal of approval. Remember: You lead, so take the initiative and go over and say something to her.

Stage 2: Conversation

Your Objective: Approach Her, Talk to Her, Make Arrangements to See Her Again
From this point onwards, your success lies in your ability to verbally communicate with your targeted woman. She has already given you approval to approach her, now you have a chance to win her approval to see her again. The best way to be successful in the stage is to just go ahead and do it! The more you think about what you will say, or how she might react, the more you worry about going over to her and talking to her. Keep in mind you have absolutely nothing to lose! You already know the importance of action. Now is the perfect time to execute initiative. Walk over to your targeted woman. If a woman sees you walking confidently towards her she will recognize that you are a self-assured man. At this point, you need to say something to her. All you need to do is break the ice, then she will reply and a conversation is ignited.

During this stage, there should be more eye contact, and continuing body language. You may notice that your gestures reflect hers, or vice versa. This is a sign that you are becoming comfortable with the conversation and a connection is being made. With this positive behavior, you should either ask for her number so that you can call her, or set up a time and place to meet again.

It will take practice to become comfortable approaching women, but with time and experience, you will soon find out what techniques work best for you.

Stage 3: Chemistry

Your Objective: Physical Contact
This stage is based on creating a connection with a woman. She has to trust you, and be able to communicate with you. This connection can be made in seconds, or it might take a few dates, or it may never happen.

Once you create sexual chemistry with a women you desire, then you will have no problem finding the opportunity to get closer to her. There will be the urge for physical contact with the woman. Likely examples are brushing against each other, touching legs under the table, or touching shoulders if you are sitting beside one another. While walking, you want to touch her waist or her back, or hold her hand. This behavior often develops after a couple of dates, if not sooner, and almost always leads to kissing and cuddling.

Once you get a woman into this stage, it's just a matter of timing and charm before you become intimate.

These three stages of seduction are the basis for the remaining chapters in this book. The following chapters offer more detailed information, and many useful suggestions for making the seduction process easier.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Can Absence Make a Guy Get Butterflies Over You? Learn If Absence Can Make Him Want You More

There is a popular saying that absence makes the heart grow fonder. This is absolutely true and those in a long distance relationship would surely confirm this. Absence makes couples seemingly crazier about each other, especially when they have to spend longer moments away from one another. Absence might also get your guy to get nervous about the relationship and here's why:

It's like the first date each and every time.
If you haven't seen each other for months then, the moment you see each other, you two would be totally nervous and excited. When you two go out, it would seem like it is your first date once again. Of course, first dates equate to a lot of awkward moments and, yes, jittery nerves.

He would wonder if you still like him.
The time you two spent apart might put up a lot of paranoia in your man. Of course, he doesn't know if you already met another guy who is better than he is. Being away from him has its perks as he will constantly wonder whether you still belong to him or not.

He's nervous if you've changed.
Along with the paranoia, he is also scared that you are not the same person he's loved before. When you two were away, the communication may have still been there but he's scared that the connection may have gone. He is nervous that your experiences while being away from him might have made a stranger out of you.

He thinks that you might get bored with.
He is having butterflies all over his stomach with the thought of you finding him boring. Again, the time away from each other might make him think that you've made friends while being away from him and that you'd enjoy their company more than his. Or, he might simply think that your idea of fun just isn't the same anymore.

He's afraid that you might realize you don't need him after all.
He's afraid that you might feel that you are better off single. You lasted months without him by his side and you've grown independent from your man. The time apart may have given you both a lot of time to reconsider your relationship and he's afraid that you might not need him anymore.

Your time together might mean nothing to you anymore.
Absence may make the heart grow fonder but it also has its price. He would normally get nervous in thinking that you might have forgotten how it felt to be with him and so you're just about ready to discard him any minute.

He wants to have as much time with you.
Don't be surprised if he'll want to make each day with you much more memorable than the last. He is dying to make each minute important and this gets him really nervous, knowing that he might fall short of your expectations.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How Do I Know When to Give a Guy Space? Here Are Some Really Good Tips Which Will Guide You

"I need some space." This is a most-feared statement among couples. The mere mention of it is like a waving red flag to most women. "Is he going to break up with me soon?" A man asking for space isn't necessarily ending the relationship. Know when to give him this and you just might save your union.

He seems too aloof lately.

When your guy starts to withdraw from you, then this is a clear indication that something is wrong and that it should be resolved right away. You would notice that he'd be emotionally distanced and his thoughts seem to be somewhere else when he's with you. Surprise him by asking him to go on a sabbatical of some sort so he can think things through. He'll love you for it.

A common friend says your guy needs a break.

If one of your friends talks to you and tells you that your man might need some space soon, then honor this conversation by giving your man what he needs. Instead of wrecking havoc by accusing him of telling your friends of his needs rather than opening up to you, you should give your man the space that he's asking for. No guilt trips, no nothing.

He snaps at the slightest provocation.

If your man is normally mature and very calm about matters in your relationship, then know that it's time to let him go for some time when he starts becoming edgy. This is an indication that he's battling something in him and he needs to resolve it at once.

He's already secretive of his plans.

If he's been very open before and now he won't even tell you his schedule, then he's a man who needs some time to be alone. Talking to him at this point would be futile so it's best to temporarily let him go.

There seems to be no mention of the word FUTURE lately.

This may be because this is the least of his concerns at the moment. He definitely has something to overcome in him and so just let him go whether or not he asks for some time alone.

You can't seem to get a decent answer from him lately.

This is because his mind is clogged with too many other concerns. If he rarely discusses your future lately, then you will have to give him his space and gently ask him to think things through.

He seems like a volcano that'll explode any minute.

Men keep so much of their troubles inside of them and this is unhealthy. Instead of pretending to stay by your side each time, ask him to leave you for some time. Tell him that his time away from you should clear his head.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Monday, September 20, 2010

How Do I Know If This Certain Guy Wants More Than Just a Hookup With Me? Here Is How to Know

Every girl in the world is dying to know if the man she's dating is the real thing. For it would be painful to realize that all he ever wanted from her was a hook up. Here are seven signs that he's really into you:

He places you on a pedestal.

If a man has good intentions on a woman, then he'd treat her like a precious gem. Meaning, he'd make sure that every moment spent with her are fun-filled and memorable.

He asks questions about you.

A man who wants nothing but a hook up would only be interested in topics surrounding sex. Remove the sex element and he won't even bother to know where you were born or where you're currently residing.

He will always have respect for you.

The absence of respect in any relationship is one of the surest indications that the man is either brought up like a pig or he is only interested in free sex. If he shows her love and respect all the days that they're together, then he's a man who wants only the best for this woman.

He'll want to spend more time with you.

The last thing that a guy would want is to waste his precious time with a girl that isn't worth his while. But if this guy wants to see you every time that he's free, then you have a guy who wants to know you for who you truly are.

He constantly communicates with her.

A man who's serious about a woman would want to know that she's safe all the time. Hence, he'll make phone calls just to check if you've reached home safely and that you're already comfortably curled up in bed.

You hear him planning for your future.

And you would feel his sincerity as he tells you that he would want to build his dream home with you. Also, you'd hear your name as he mentions wanting to have his own family.

He'll try his best to make you fall in love with him.

You won't encounter yelling at public places or trying to belittle you in your own home. He will be a man that would show you all the good qualities that he's got. he'll also treat you like a woman should be treated, he'll shower you with gifts, he'll introduce you to the most important people in his life, and he'll want to see you smiling at all times. In short, you're his number one priority.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

What Shall I Say When Asking a Guy Out? Here Is What You Should Follow Before Asking Him Out

Asking a guy out is a scary proposition. But when you do want to ask a guy out you have to be sure that you use the right words as you don't want to scare him off or come across as a desperate woman. So, here are some of the words that you should and shouldn't use while asking a guy out.

Have a plan in place
Having a plan in place and knowing what to say is essential when you want to ask a guy out. You have to show yourself as a confident woman who knows what she is doing. So first things first, figure out where you want to take him.

Strike up a conversation
Your words have to be very cool when build the conversation when you want to ask a guy out. Start with "did you hear about the XXX?" (Mention latest movie, concert, or event that you would like to take him to). This will make sure that you come across as a positive person and it also helps in building your conversation.

Talk of your interest
Provided you have the same interest level in the gig you want to invite him to, start to talk about your interest in that. Say that you have been a big fan and talk about why you like this thing. Then ask him, "What do you think about their music/his book/the movie?"

Ask questions
Asking questions always helps in building the conversation. As he revels more about his interest you get a deeper insight into his mind and can show him your interest levels accordingly.

Ask him if he would like to do something together
Now you need to ask him if he would like to hang out with you and go for that particular event. Make it sound like a casual evening out and something very non committal. That way he will be comfortable committing to it.

Give him a compliment
Don't hang around for too long once you have made your plans as you don't want to run out of conversation. You also want to build up some intrigue for him. But before you sign off give him an intelligent compliment. Tell him that "it was really nice talking to you. You have a great deal of depth and insight into XXX" (whatever you have been talking about).

Confirm the date
Now before you leave tell him "I'm looking forward to meeting you." Smile and then say "it's a date then"...and you will have efficiently asked a guy out.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

7 Really Good Tips You Can Use Right Now to Seduce Your Man! Here Is What You Shouldn't Miss

If your man needs a little bit of prodding to get in the mood for sex then you will have to become a seductress that makes light work of the problem. Seduction involves not only your lower body but it involves your entire body. Here is how you can seduce your man.

Here you will have to take some lessons from practitioners of the world's oldest profession. Right! Yes we are talking about sex workers. If you closely observe them they do a lot of talking with their eyes. Even the most prudent of males find it difficult to look away when a sex worker signals him. It is that naughty look you will have to master.

Physical stimulation
Although men are more prone to visual stimulation, physical stimulation also does the trick. Just brush against his body in an innocent way and let him feel your soft body. The heat in your body will send his testosterone levels shooting. Gently playing with his hair or drawing images on his thigh with you perfectly manicured fingers will also help.

Playing with your fingers
When you are sitting opposite him in a restaurant or at the dinning table you can suck on your index finger in a suggestive way. This will tell him what you intend to do to him when in the confines of your bedroom. He will not be able to resist you, however, while doing this keep the naughty look.

Dress up for him
Wearing see through lingerie is also a great idea. Go shopping or order one online if you feel embarrassed to ask a sales girl for the perfect piece. Wear it while he is alone in the room with you.

Sparkling wine
Get him a bottle of sparking wine and change into something comfortable. Sexy lingerie or crotch less lace stockings/panties is a good idea. Alcohol loosens up the man and he will be excited in no time.

Tongue and lips
These are most inviting parts of a woman's body. Roll your tongue in your mouth in a suggestive way or touch your upper lip with your tongue, he will get the message. Wear nude lipstick so that you have shiny/glossy lips.

Sexy dance
If dance is your forte then there is nothing better than doing a sexy dance for your man. You may also go a step further and do a strip tease or a pole dance for him. By the time you finish the dance either you will be making love or rushing your man to the emergency room for a heart attack.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

7 Ways to Impress a Guy and Make Him Fall for You! Here Is What a Woman Must Learn Right Away

It is very common to find a crush or happen to fall for someone at first sight. Sometimes women like a guy but they do not know how they should approach the guy or impress him so that they will like them back. You should know how to impress a guy that you like and these tips will help you to do that.

Show him signs
You should put out a lot of signs to a guy that you like to impress them or show them that you are interested in them. If you meet him when you are out you should show that you like him by talking to him and listening to what he has to say as well.

Dress Nicely
Something else that you can do to impress a guy is to dress up so you look nice and he will be attracted to you. Guys like when the woman that they like looks nice and he can be proud to be seen with her. Make sure that the outfits that you are wearing are not too revealing and that you do not over style yourself or wear too much makeup.

Be Confident in yourself
For men a girl who is confident and shows her self confidence is a big attraction for them. Do not be over confident and come across as arrogant. Be sure that you are knowledgeable about things that you are talking about. You should carry yourself in a way that shows that you feel good about yourself. These things will impress a guy at anytime.

Meet at the right places
It is important that you pick a good place to meet where you can talk and be alone with each other. If there are too many other people or there is too much noise surrounding you then you will not be able to talk or listen to the guy that you want to impress.

Wear perfume but do not overdo it
Men often remember scents when they are thinking about a woman. They also like it when a woman smells nicely and it is not too overpowering on his nose. Wear a perfume that smells nice and is different from others, but that you still really like a lot. Chances are the guy you are trying to impress will like it as well.

Stay on your best behavior
When you want to impress a guy it is important that you are on your best behavior. You should try to not get too drunk if you are out at a bar and also remember to watch your language around the guy you like. For most guys it is a big turn off when the girl they are interested in starts to use bad language.

Keep away from distractions
You should not be using your cell phone for calls or texting when you are with the guy that you are trying to impress. If you do need to take a call that is important excuse yourself from him and be quick if possible. By using your cell phone in front of him, your man may think that you are not interested in him.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How To Stay In The Game When He's Losing Interest! Here Is How to Get Him to Like You Again

If you feel your man's attention slipping away from you or notice that he seems bored with the relationship, it can really cause frustration and anxiety.

Here's some tips to help you step up your game and keep him into you:

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

He may not want to break up necessarily; it's possible he just feels the need for some space. Even though it can be hard when you love someone and want to spend every moment of them, you'll find it beneficial to back off.

Spend less time with him. Go out and do your own thing. Take a trip with your girlfriends or even alone. The separation will (hopefully) make him miss you and act differently when you're back.

Make Him Jealous

Sure, it's a dirty trick, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

Make a new male friend and start up with a completely platonic friendship. If you already have a good guy friend, then spend more time with him. Whoever you choose should be attractive and capable of causing some serious envy. Simply spending a lot of time with your friend and receiving texts and calls from him while your boyfriend is around will be more than enough to do the trick.

If you really want to push the envelope, flirt with other guys when you and your boyfriend are out together.

Try a New Look

You don't need to spend a fortune on a new wardrobe and a full makeover, but some changes here and there in your physical style and appearance can work wonders.

Go get your hair done and try out a new color or some great highlights. Buy a pair of really sexy heels or a pair of jeans you look great in. A killer little black dress is a great buy as well.

Get Out of Boring Patterns

If you've been with your guy a while and the two of you have fallen into a boring pattern, it's time to mix things up.

Don't stay in every night if the two of you are couch potatoes. Go out dancing or try a new restaurant. Suggest taking a trip together and enjoying a romantic getaway, then make the arrangements. Adding excitement and trying new things might change his attitude and get him out of his funk.

Spice Up the Bedroom Situation

Men are very sexual. They need an active and satisfying sex life to be completely content with their lives. So if you aren't putting out enough and the two of you don't have sex much anymore, that's got to change.

Start simply by buying some really naughty lingerie you look good in and putting it away in the bedroom somewhere; you can keep it there like a weapon to use at will. When the two of you are lying in bed, ask him if there's something new he'd like to try sexually or if he has fantasies he'd love to act out with you. Get the conversation rolling and see where it leads.

Concentrate on Your Life and Happiness

It's important to focus on you, because it will help you freak out less about whether or not your boyfriend is still in love with you.

Spend time with your family and friends, work harder at your job, engage in your hobbies or take a class you've wanted to take for a while. This will re-establish your identity and give you confidence you need. If you have a life that's full and exciting, you'll be less likely to fall apart just because you and your boyfriend end up splitting.

Have a Talk With Him

Pick the right time and place and simply state your concerns. Ask him if he's still interested, using whatever words you want to use.

Remember to stay calm and rational; don't accuse him of anything of fly off the handle. You'll never know what's going on inside his head unless you ask and really listen to the answer.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Monday, September 13, 2010

4 Ways to Be More Confident Around Attractive Women

Most men will not approach an attractive woman because they lack self confidence. It's those thoughts in the back of their head screaming at them like she doesn't want to talk to me or she's too busy or what would I say, you know the ones. In this article I am going to share with you 4 ways to be more confident around attractive women.

1. Relax

Easier said than done, right! It's the mind chatter that takes over your self confidence so you have to learn how to shut that out. Before you approach an attractive woman, put yourself in a relaxed state. Take deep breaths, visualize the conversation you are having, imagine yourself making her laugh and then imagine the outcome as being a positive one.

Visualization is the best way to put you into the moment and into a relaxed state. Remove any negative outcomes from your mind. Just remind yourself that no matter what the outcome is, you can deal with it and it won't affect you in the least.

2. Mediation

Certain activities will put you in a much more relaxed state quicker than anything. Medication is one of those. I use to think meditation was for weirdo's but have since learned that it's the number one way to relax your mind and your body. All that is required is to give yourself some quiet time to just clear your mind of everything and just enjoy the moment. It can be for a minute or as long as you want. The more you meditate, the more relaxed you become in life and the better the outcome will be when dealing with any type of circumstances that come your way, especially when approaching women. All I can say is don't knock it until you've tried it.

3. Your Strengths

One of the best ways to build up your self confidence is to write down all of the qualities you have that make you a great person. Keep that list with you tucked in your wallet so whenever a situation occurs when you aren't quite feeling confident, take out that list and read it.

It's been said that people criticize themselves somewhere around 10,000 times a day and very seldom compliment their good traits. If you started your morning each day by reading that list of all your great qualities, your confidence levels will definitely increase and you will soon find that you have no problem approaching women.

4. Be Positive

It's a known fact that women are more attracted to men who are always smiling and have a positive outlook on life. Just try to remember that no matter what kind of day you are having, smile and be positive. Even if you are "faking" a confident personality, you'll eventually develop this very same personality trait.

I definitely hope you have found these 4 ways to be more confident around attractive women helpful. Remember to learn how to relax, meditate, know your strengths and be more positive. In no time at all the women will be approaching you so you better watch out!

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

My Boyfriend Has Distanced Himself From Me! What Can I Do? Follow These Tips Right Now

One of the most difficult moments for any couple is when they have to pass through a phase where one of them distances from the other. There could only be two end results for this scenario - either they'd kiss and make up or they would separate altogether. If you want to know what to do when your boyfriend starts to keep his distance, then here are some tips:

It's not all about you, honey.
The greatest error you can commit is when you'd presume that he's distancing himself because of you. keep in mind that there are a million other possible reasons that could make him do this. He may not be ready to discuss it yet but that doesn't mean that he would never sit down and talk to you about it.

Keep your temper in check.
There's no need to make a scene or make a big fuss about the situation. Your boyfriend may just be going through an emotional turmoil and with you wrecking havoc, he might think that he's one of the unluckiest guys ever to live!

Don't focus your energies on him.
If he needed to distance himself from you, then he might have a good reason for doing so. You just have to do your own stuff at the moment. While he's away, make sure that you spend your time on worthwhile things. These won't only take your mind off him, they would also make you feel better about yourself.

Don't contradict his decision.
Surely, your guy is going through something serious at the moment that's why it's not wise to oppose him or any of his decisions. The best thing that you can do at the moment is to just wait for him.

Speak with him.
If his sabbatical goes longer than what you expected, then you have every right to ask for a moment with him. Ask him what's going on and if he's willing to share his feelings now. If he goes on with it, you now have the option to wait for him (still) or if you'd start considering a life without him.

Ask him how you can change if the problem was you all along.
When he finally opens up and he says that it's you that he can't get along with, then ask him how you can make things better. Go through his concerns and honestly assess yourself. If you really need to change in order to keep him, then by all means, do so.

Show that you're emotionally mature.
Whatever you hear from him during this phase, it's wise to keep mum about it. He may very well be going through hell and you don't know it so give him the benefit of the doubt and allow him to vent. Fighting him won't do you any good.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

7 Signs That He's the One for You! Follow These Tips If You Want to Know Whether He Is the One

If you have been in love for some time and are dating the guy you think you like then you would definitely want to know whether he is the one chosen for you. However, you want to be sure as you do not want major disappointment later on in life. If you are skeptical about the guy you are dating, then check if he and you are doing the following things. Read all the points very carefully here...

No preconditions
He loves you for the way you are and does not lay any conditions for his affection. If you are on the plump side he says that he likes his women 'beefy' and 'voluptuous' and if you are thin he says he loves small petite women. When your guy says this then he likes you and he is definitely your man.

Takes into account the way you feel
For every major decision in his life he keeps you in the loop and also takes your advice. This means that he envisions a future with you and is in love with you.

Give you all the attention
There has never been a time when he has not given you the importance or paid attention to what you say. He listens to your counsel and does implement most things you say. Well, he is surely the one for you.

You mutually trust each other
If your relationship is based on trust and neither of you have betrayed each others trust then you two are definitely going to make a happy couple. Trust is the foundation of all relationships.

He makes you complete
Without him you feel incomplete. When he is by your side you walk taller and there is spring in your step. This is a sign that you two are made for each other.

He is liked by your immediate family
Your family adores this guy and he is always invited by your folks for any occasion or celebrations you have in your home. He also participates with equal gusto and is comfortable around your folks.

He constantly strives to make the relationship work
In spite of your occasional fights and the tantrums you throw at him he constantly works to put the relationship back on track. He also makes sure that when you are having a difficult time he is there to lend you support. If this is not love then what is?

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

How to Make a Memorable Impression on a Guy? He Will Really Like You After You Follow These Tips

You do not want to be the type of woman who does not make an impression on a guy, you want him to remember you and admire you. A fleeting impression is not going to help him stay attracted to you. Here are some ways in which to make a memorable and lasting impression on a guy.

Say something that will stick in his memory
Be witty and sound interesting. Men have a thing about women who are literally dumb and don't have a thing to say! If she cannot voice her thoughts, feelings and ideas in an intelligent way - he will begin to lose interest no matter how gorgeous she looks! SO if you want to make an impression, say something witty and interesting that will grab his attention.

Wear something that will blow his mind
It goes without saying that a beautiful dress will always make a man look at you twice. Take care to dress in a fashion that will make him want to be with you. Remember it is the first time you are meeting him and the first impression is usually the lasting one! Wear something that will make you look sexy, beautiful and appealing.

Do something that will make him remember you
Men have a way of remembering something that is out of the ordinary. Even a simple gesture or action on your part will stay in his memory. If you lean forward to brush off an imaginary speck from his coat, or make sure your thigh "accidentally" brushes his, he is bound to remember that!

Impress him with your personality
The trick is to show him that you are full of confidence and that you have a high self esteem. This will automatically impress him and he will try to get to know you better. Once you talk to him let him see that you are cool, collected and self assured. This type of attitude is a definite turn on.

Show him that you have class
All you have to do is show him that you are a class apart and all the other women around you are way below par! The way you speak, dress, walk and behave will prove whether you have sophistication and class. Your manner will put you in a class that is above the common and this is going to impress the hell out of him!

Stand out as an example
No matter what company you are in - you have to endeavor to stand out in the crowd. This means going the extra mile and working hard to put the competition around in the shade! If you have to buy a new wardrobe, get expert help with your makeup and hair, learn how to be poised and elegant - do it!

Have an "untouchable" air about you
As soon as a man thinks that you are unavailable and "untouchable" - they yearn to have you! This is because they want to prove that they are irresistible and can get any woman they want. The harder you make it for him, the more he is going to want to capture you. He will want to prove that you are not the "ice maiden" you pretend to be!

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How to Ask a Shy Guy Out? You Need a Different Set of Tools to Deal With a Shy Guy & Ask Him Out

You have noticed a cute guy you would like to date but there is a problem. He is too shy to ask you out. If you wait for him to muster enough courage to approach you and ask you out then you may have to wait for an eternity. Here are some ways to draw him out of his shell so that he asks you out boldly.

Get an introduction
This can be done either directly or indirectly through mutual friends. If both the options are out of the question then you can try becoming friends with his sister. This way you will have enough chances to meet him. Whichever way you do it get an introduction so that you two are no longer strangers to each other.

Get friendlier
Your best bet at being friendlier with him would be by engaging in a conversation with him whenever possible. The more you talk to him the more you learn about him and the less intimidating you seem. Begin with small conversations and slowly increase the duration of your discussions.

Give him a happy smile
Whenever you meet him or see him make sure that you give him a million dollar smile. He needs to know that you are happy to see him. This should make him comfortable and he will not feel awkward in your presence.

Begin to mix with his friends
Now that you know him you may begin to spend some time with his group. However, don't hang around for more than what is necessary. You don't want pile on him. Once you become a little popular with his friends they will do your bidding.

Speak the language of love with your eyes
Whenever you are together or whenever you see him always speak to him while looking him in the eye. There is a chance that he may avoid eye contact however, as time passes and he gets comfortable he will also make eye contact with you.

Do stuff together
Find out what interests him the most. Once you know that he likes some activity then you may start spending some time with him doing those activities. Since he will be in his comfort zone he will feel more open and uninhibited.

Casual flirting
When you have spent a reasonable period of time doing things that he enjoys then it is time that you become a bit physical and start flirting with him. Tease him a bit and break the touch barrier. Tell him that you like him and feel happy to be with him. You may also flatter him by saying that the time spent with him is one you cherish. This will give him the courage to ask you out formally.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Monday, September 6, 2010

What "Not To Do" On A Date

Have you been dumped by a guy but you don't know the reason? Are you his deal breaker? Do you push the guy away but you are not aware of it?

Then read on to find out what you should not be doing on a date.

Being rude to others.

How would you like if a guy was rude to you, especially on your first date? Would you give him a second chance? NO. Same is the case with you. If you come across as a rude person, you will never have a second date. The least you can do is to be polite and civil. These are very basic manners which you need to imbibe, if you don't have them. Nobody likes to be around a person who behaves rudely.

Complaining and grumbling at all times.

Every guy wants his date to be a joyful and wonderful experience, not a nightmare. Imagine the guy's reaction if he finds you cribbing about the smallest things in your life. Your date is a human being and not a complaint book. Ask yourself. Are you the whining type? If you are, then that is certainly not an attractive quality. Dial down your 'whining', if you want to make a good impression. There are lot of other positive things that you share with him. Save the negative vibes.

Distractions on the date.

How would you feel if the guy ignores you on the date? Would you like if he is constantly checking his messages or taking calls or getting updates on the latest football scores? No you wouldn't. Such behavior is childish. Concentrate on your date. Keep your phone on a silent mode. You can always check your missed calls later, unless they are very urgent. Don't get distracted by such silly reasons. The guy won't take it well and may never call you back.

Do not degrade yourself.

You must love your life. If you can't talk good about yourself then others won't either. Everybody has highs and lows. But talking about the lows constantly and complaining about how bad your life is, is no way to win a guy. Have some respect for yourself. You will soon notice that the guy respects you too.

Leave your ex in the past.

Your ex-boyfriend is your past. Don't let him ruin your present and future. Talking about your ex is the biggest turn off for any guy. It can hurt the self esteem of a guy and he may think that you have still not recovered from your previous relationship. Then how can you start a new one?

Liar Liar!

Lying can end it for you totally. You may have impressed the guy by making him believe what you are not. But that will not last for long. You will not know when a small lie of yours will turn into a big one and you won't be able to handle that. Do not lie about yourself. That is cheating. Let him like you for what you are. If you have to change yourself for him, then he is probably not worth it.

Talking about money matters.

Money matters are sensitive. People don't like to talk about their personal financial matters. Talking about general things like, 'the economy is so bad' is okay. But don't start asking questions about his pay packet. That is extremely cheap. You are out to have fun and talking about money spoils the fun.

Basic hygiene.

This is plain common sense. You need not have super model looks. But the least you can have is proper hygiene. You must look presentable when you are on a date. That does not mean only wearing fancy clothes. Presentable includes taking care of the body odor, bad breath, nails, hair and skin. The least you can do is go to a salon and take care of yourself. Make the date a pleasant memory because of your appearance, not because of your onion-garlic breath.

Poor manners.

These are not rules per say, but they can annoy anybody. Always being late on a date, talking too much, interrupting others - these are bad manners. So stay away from them.

Your initial dates are very crucial in building a relationship. Impress the guy by staying away from these and he would want to meet you again.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

How To Avoid Acting Desperate With Your Boyfriend! Get This Right Before You Ruin Your Chances

"Desperate," "Clingy," "Suffocating,": They all mean the same thing when it comes to a girl's behavior in her relationship. These are titles that you definitely don't want.

Here's how to avoid acting this way:

You Lost Yourself Somewhere, So Find You
If you always feel like you absolutely need to have your boyfriend's attention and approval at all times, there's a problem.

You should be your own source of validation. There's an insecurity and/or deep fear that's keeping you in this frame of mind and having you acting desperate like this, but don't fret; there's plenty of things you can do to remedy the situation.

Work as Much as Possible
Women who earn their own money and have career goals are less likely to be clingy and desperate with a man. This is because they're focusing their energy on something productive that makes them feel good about themselves.

If you don't have a job, you should get one! It's not easy all the time, that's why it's called a job, but the end result will be well worth it.

Focus on Your Hobbies and Passions
Aside from a satisfying job or volunteer work, there are other things in a girl's life that can kill her unhealthy dependance on her man.

If you love to write or paint, take classes or simply write or paint your little heart away whenever possible. If you love kids, volunteer at a children's hospital or daycare center. You get the idea: The key is to enjoy life and remind yourself how cool you are.

Tone Up, and Not Just Physically
Go to the gym! I know, it's very hard if you haven't worked out in a while (or ever), but once you get in the habit you'll actually start to enjoy it.

Not only will physical exercise raise endorphin levels and improve your over-all mood, but it will of course make your body tighter and leaner as well. There's a big bonus right there, since your man will no doubt notice!

While you're working on that body, don't forget about your mental health as well. Take a few yoga classes and you'll get the idea: meditation and calmness are great gifts you can give yourself with a little effort.

If you were feeling that needy in your relationship, then it's pretty much a certainty that you had been neglecting your buddies.

Spend time with them again! They probably miss you a lot! You never want to be that lame girl that stops hanging out with her friends when she's in a serious relationship. So go out and have some fun! Just because you have a boyfriend doesn't mean you have to be with him 24/7.

Take Care of Those Insecurity Issues
To ensure that you don't fall back into this unhealthy habit of being clingy, it's a good idea to seek counseling. It doesn't mean you're crazy if you talk to a therapist; all it means is you recognize a problem and you want to fix it.

You don't have to tell anyone about it if you don't want to. It's nobody's business but yours.

Ask for Space if Necessary
If your boyfriend is the weirdo jealous and controlling type, he may be a human roadblock when you try to do the suggested ideas here.

If you really feel that he's hindering your happiness and efforts to feel better, it's probably a good idea to ask for some time apart. If he flips out when you mention the idea, it's an even better idea to just get rid of him for good.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.