Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Rekindle the Spark: How to Get Your Girlfriend Back

Men... have you said or done something you shouldn't have and that, in turn, made the woman you care about walk out of your life? We've all done this at some point in time, but the real question is... were you able to get her back? If not, don't fret, because here we're going to reveal ways on how to get your girlfriend back.

Recognize how you messed up

This is absolutely the first step on how to get your girlfriend back. You can't truly apologize to her for something if you don't even know what you're apologizing about. Play back the last conversation or argument you had in your head and zero in on what she's upset about. Understand that the gravity of the problem is relative to the person. This means that what you said or did may not seem like a big deal to you but it may be a huge deal to her. If you want your girlfriend back, you need to drill this into your head before you even approach her.

Give her space... if she needs it

She may just not be ready to reconcile and if that's the case, she won't even be open to and you'll be wasting your time. If you want to learn how to get your girlfriend back, you have to learn to listen and pay attention to her words and body language. Men have a tendency to try and "fix" every problem that arises when sometimes all we need to do is listen. If everything about her words and her actions is saying that she is just not willing to have this conversation right now, then don't force it. Gracefully bow out for now to allow her time to cool off.

Let her have her process

Many men have a tendency to want to apologize for what we said or did, and then be done with it. Meaning we expect that since we said sorry, and appeared to "really, really" mean it, she should be over it. Stop that silliness!! We're not going to speak as if women are more emotional than men but I think we can all agree that women are more emotionally complex. Patience is a virtue and you'll need it to get your girlfriend back. When you apologize, she may want to question your frame of mind and your whole thought process which led you to say what you said or do what you did. Give her that. Answer every question as honestly and as eloquently as you can... you owe her that.

Hold the BS!!

Do not try to sweet talk your way back into her good graces... that's not how to get your girlfriend back, in fact, that's how you push her further away. Most women can pick up on the bull and it only aids in compounding the problem. Don't get me wrong, if you guys are in the process of making up already and you're being romantic and doing a lot of "cutesy" stuff for her, that's fine... encouraged actually. In that instance, its fun and she can appreciate your willingness to do that for her. However, if you have yet to address the real issues and instead try to avoid it by using some disingenuous form of charm, she'll pick up on it and call you out on it.

Overall, being honest and genuine is how to get your girlfriend back. Illustrate real concern for her feelings and show her that you genuinely want to make it work. That, coupled with the tips outlined above is how to get your girlfriend back and avoid losing her forever.

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