Tuesday, November 27, 2012

How to Get a Girlfriend Before The New Year - 5 Steps You Need to Take

You started off 2012 without a girlfriend and you know how that feels. Seems like everyone has someone that they can share that magical moment when the ball drops and you want some of that too. You are dead set on the fact that you DO want to get a girlfriend before the calendar hits 2013. And you totally don't believe in any of that Mayan nonsense about the world ending before that... so what are you going to do?

Here are 5 steps that you NEED to take if you are going to get a girlfriend before the ball drops and the calendar turns over to 2013:

1) Commit yourself to having a "no excuses" attitude.

Stop telling yourself that you don't have the looks or the personality to attract a girlfriend. Some of the biggest jerks end up with a woman in their life and some of the most boring guys also end up with someone, so there is no reason why you can't. You can't sabotage yourself, you have to stop making excuses before you do anything else.

2) Sign up for one of the well known free dating sites.

There are several of these out there and the more well known that they are, the better. You don't want to sign up with some site that no woman has ever heard of. You are not going to get a chance to meet any females that way. Go with one of the ones that you have heard of or seen ads for, because chances are... plenty of single women have seen those ads of heard of those sites as well.

3) Fill up your calendar over the next 4 weeks with something to do, somewhere to go every weekend.

You are not going to end up getting a girlfriend by sitting at home and watching reruns of shows that weren't funny ten years ago. You are going to get a girlfriend when you take action and when you get out and mix and mingle with people. There are tons of parties, social events, and club/bar events that go on leading up till New Years... make the most of it.

4) Talk to friends that you trust and see if they know of anyone that they think would be a good match for you.

Sometimes this ends up being the easiest and most effective way to get a girlfriend that you actually like being around. Your friends know who you are and they know who will match up well with you. Take advantage of that if you can. The cool thing is, if they do know someone that they can set up you up with, you'll already have something in common with that woman.

5) Approach one woman per day over the next few weeks.

This is the real "take action approach" that will yield awesome results if you actually go ahead and do it. During the holiday season, women are usually a little more receptive about being approached. Has a lot to do with the whole "holiday spirit" thing. Use that to your advantage and start approaching women. Don't come across like you are looking to pick them up, come across like you are just trying to make conversation.

This is one of the easiest times of the year to get a girlfriend. Women want to be in a relationship this time of the year and the amount of opportunities to go out and meet someone are endless. The only way that you are going to end up failing... is if you don't take any action. So, go ahead and put these 5 steps to use.

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