Friday, November 9, 2012

Chasing Your Ex Girlfriend - Should You Let Go Or Linger On With Hope?

There comes a time after the break up where you really have to ask yourself, whether or not it is going to be better for you to continue on with the hope that you might be able to win her back or if you should let go of that wish and carry on with your life. It's not one of those things that has an easy answer, so it can be hard to really figure out what you need to do. However, there are some things that you may want to consider that can help you determine for yourself what the right thing for you to do is.

Here are some of those things that you might want to consider if you are wondering whether or not it is time to let go or linger on with the hope that you might be able to win her back someday:

1. Are you chasing after the reality of your ex girlfriend or the idealistic version you have created in your own mind?

It's pretty common to filter out the negatives associated with your ex girlfriend and only remember the positives, especially when you are still carrying a torch for her. The problem with that is, sometimes the idealized version and the reality are not even close in relation to one another. I have seen many friends talk about an ex girlfriend as if she were the most perfect woman on the face of the earth, when the reality was that when they were dating her, she was anything but perfect. You want to be careful that you are not putting your ex girlfriend up on a pedestal and that is the reason why you feel like you want her back in your life, because now she has become the embodiment of perfection in your eyes.

2. Is it really a possibility that you and her can get back with one another and have a romantic relationship?

This is also something that I think you have to take into account. If you know that your ex girlfriend is currently in a relationship with someone and that you really don't have much of a realistic chance of being back with her in a romantic context, the only option that you might have is to move on and let go, even if that is not what you really want to do. Sure, there are situations where you can win back an ex girlfriend who is dating someone else, but that's not always going to be an option in all situations. There are those times when you find out that your ex girlfriend is with someone else and she seems to be really happy and at that point, you may want to think about the possibility that it is for the best that you and her are no longer with one another and letting go could be the best thing that you could do for yourself as well as for her.

3. Do you have the skill to win back your ex girlfriend?

This is also something that you are going to have to ponder if you are thinking about chasing after your ex girlfriend. It does take a certain amount of skill to attract back a woman you used to date and if you don't have that skill, you might just be setting yourself up for a massive disappointment down the road. You have to be able to deal with uncertainty when you are trying to win back an ex girlfriend and that is not always something that is going to be easy to deal with. If you can deal with uncertainty and you do have the skills necessary to win her back, then it might be worth it to give it a try if that is what you really want to do.

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