Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Do's and Don'ts of a Workplace Love Affair

It's not unusual for two people who are in the same workplace to fall in love. Critics would say it is for convenience since both parties won't have to adjust to different work schedules or different locations. There might be some truth to it but more than convenience, creating relationship with someone in the same workplace as yours root from something else. Given that you spend more time around each other's presence, you both get to know more about each other - what makes her smile or captures her attention and what can frustrate him and how he reacts to things.

Probably everyone of us knows someone who met his or her life partner at work but not all love affairs in the workplace work though. Some last through their lifetime while some, unfortunately, end for various reasons.

Are you in or about to enter a love affair in the workplace? Here are some do's and don't to help you get by.


  • Do consider company rules. Some companies prohibit workers from having relationships while currently employed by them so check out your employee handbook or employment contract before you and your co-worker walk together in love.

  • Do maintain professionalism at work. It's not wrong to demonstrate your love to your partner while in the workplace, but remember to reserve those playful and naughty gestures for your alone time, or at least at the end of your work hours. You wouldn't want to get caught by your boss flirting with your partner when you are instead doing your work, do you?


  • Don't take advantage of your position in the company. If you are in the managerial position and your partner is under your leadership, don't use your power for his or her advantage. Exercise fairness in the company and give your people the credit (or sanction) due to them. If your partner deserves a raise or promotion, then do so but don't cover him/her up when s/he did something prohibited. After all, a good partner should inspire you to become a better person, not encourage or tolerate wrong doings.

  • Don't bring relationship issues at work and vice versa. This is perhaps one of the most common problems affecting relationships. Difficult but it is important to avoid mixing personal and work matters to make the relationship work and still be able to do your job effectively. If you are stressed due to office problems, don't take it out on your partner. Alternatively, if you are having issues with your partner, try not to let it affect your productivity in the office.

Love affairs in the workplace can be challenging yet something you cannot avoid when it hits you. Just don't let your emotions rule over your judgment.

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