Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Dating Question - Do You Have to Always Wait 3 Days to Call a Woman?

You may have heard that in order to make a woman see you as not being desperate, that you should wait 3 days before you call her up after getting her number or even after taking her out on a date. Some guys will preach this rule to one another as if it is the finite truth, as if you are going to be doomed to being a dating failure if you call a woman up before 3 days have passed. So, do you have to wait 3 days before you call up a woman?

My answer is simple - not always. You might be surprised at how many good opportunities you will miss out on if you always abide by the rule of waiting for a minimum of 3 days. One of the keys to getting good with women is understanding that YOU can make the rule book as you go along. And that there are situations where those conventional ideas that men pass to one another are actually going to end up working against you.

Here is an example of what I mean:

You are out of town for a week and you go out to a club just to have a good time. While you are there, you happen to get a woman's number, but because of reasons that are out of your control - you don't have a chance of spending any one on one time with her that night. Now, since you are only going to be out of town for that week, does it make sense to wait 3 days before you give her a ring?


Chances are, you are going to miss out on that opportunity if you do. You'd probably be much better off calling her up the next day if you can. After all, she probably knows that you are on a little vacation, so you don't have to worry about it looking like you don't have a life, because you are out of town. That's just one situation where waiting three days to make a call just doesn't make sense.

Another situation is when the sparks are really flying and the chemistry is pretty obvious between you and a woman you have met. If things are getting that good for you, you want to call her up as soon as you can within reason. Otherwise, you are going to run the risk that she will "cool off" and the next time you get in touch with her, that chemistry just isn't going to be there.

There are plenty more examples, the overall lesson to take away is that things are more situation specific than they are absolute. Following absolute rules of when to call a woman will usually make it harder for you because you will end up missing out on a lot of opportunities just because you waited too long to call.

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