Friday, November 2, 2012

Is the Political Divide In Our Country Hurting Local Interpersonal Relationships?

The political divide in this country is perpetuated by the political machines, PACs, mass media, and the politicians themselves. It's a disgusting way to run a nation, and at least we can all agree that politics are nasty, even if we often get caught up in the drama ourselves. This 2012 presidential election is no exception. Each presidential candidate has spent over $1 billion dollars and yet, we have had little substance in our national dialogue. The presidential debates were a sham, more like a reality TV series where one person would be left standing on the island, or at the podium might be a better analogy.

What about personal relationships and friendships? Yes, it is dividing us there too. What's that famous like; "don't discuss religion or politics in mixed company." In fact, families have been broken apart where siblings no longer talk, or cousins want nothing to do with one another - all over our politics. It's not that the theories of free-market capitalism and socialism aren't vastly different, it's that we are allowing the discussion to so rapidly decay that we are not even getting along anymore as human beings.

Indeed, I bet you have friends that you don't often talk to much due their political affiliation or views. Don't worry you are not alone. Of course, if all or most of your current friends lean one way, then you also are missing the rest of the dialogue you see. This political divide is hurting our families, personal relationships, even our dating habits, think about it.

On October 29, 2012 there was a piece in the Wall Street Journal titled; "The Dating Game Gets Partisan, With Politics a Deal Breaker - Opposites Aren't So Attractive; Voting Record Trumps Religion, Looks and Schooling," by Elizabeth Williamson.

Okay so, would you date a Republican? Well, don't worry we are even because I am not in the least bit interested in a left-leaning socialist driven liberal lady either. Can you see what I am saying here? The other day, I was at Starbucks and talking with a gal who'd gotten there early found a seat and sat down observing. She told me she met someone online and was going to see if they were Mr. Right, although she really hoped they'd be Mr. Left, I think.

Anyway, she told me that, she didn't know if he was a Romney Supporter, and that she'd never date a Republican. I laughed and thought to myself that; "if he is a Republican, he sure as hell wouldn't want to date a lunatic fringe new age Obama-Rama socialist." But I just smiled and told her "good luck on your date, I hope it works out for you." I just hope they don't get married and have more kids registering as democrats with that mindset. Please consider all this and think on it.

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