Friday, November 9, 2012

Make Your Date Feel Relaxed

Some people have the idea that it's a good plan to have a few drinks before setting out on a date. It isn't! The chances are it'll show in your actions and if nothing else, your date will smell it on your breath. Even one drink's a mistake. If she smells it, the first thing she'll think is; Oh my God, he's a lush.

Another bad idea is to lie around, worrying about all the terrible things that could happen during the evening, until finally you drop off to sleep out of sheer exhaustion!

If you're athletically inclined, then a short run might be in order. But at least it would be a good plan to go for a walk. Then, giving yourself plenty of time, take a nice, relaxing bath. Dress unhurriedly and arrive early. No, I don't mean an hour early and sit there with a silly grin on your face. Five to ten minutes is fine.

Remember that this is only a date. You've never been alone with this person before, so try to put them at their ease. Don't, please, start telling a string of jokes. Nothing can kill a date more quickly.

But lets face it, there are myriad subjects of conversation in which you could engage. And try to gauge the type of person she/he is. They might simply answer you when you ask them a question. Admittedly, this can be like trudging through heavy snow, but they could simply be shy, so try to draw them out.

On the other hand, they may not let you get a word in edgewise. All you can do is to go with the flow. The whole idea is to get to know each other and have an enjoyable time. It isn't a marriage market! The more you struggle to find a marriage partner, and/or to find love, the less likely it is to happen and the more likely to make the most disastrous mistakes.

Love has an extraordinary habit of hitting you over the head when you least expect it. Love's far more likely to find you. Don't go racing after it. Make your date feel relaxed, but be on your guard if you see the love light in their eyes. They themselves may be looking for love in all the wrong places.

They may be desperate for a spouse. So yes, put them at their ease, but be careful. Do you know this person at all well? Did you simply meet at a party and it was there that you asked them out?

Flattery goes a long way.

"What a lovely dress you're wearing," just won't cut it. But;

"What a lovely dress you're wearing. Of course, you make it look lovely," now you're getting somewhere. Or you visit her home.

"My word, this sitting room's like a palace. What a marvellous eye for decoration you have."

The absolute turn-off of course is the person who sits down and immediately launches into all the ills they have. How they suffer from this terrible depression, how their mother is bi-polar and their father has terrible haemorrhoids.

I would suggest a hasty retreat!

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