Friday, December 14, 2012

Your Cheating Mate: Should You Forgive Them?

Should you or shouldn't you forgive them is what you may be asking yourself since you have found out that your mate has been cheating. It's simply not enough to take them back is why this decision is so hard to make. While you may be hurt, jealous, and doubtful right now, it doesn't mean that that the relationship is not worth having provided that the following conditions are true.

Your relationship has been based on mutual love and respect.

If you haven't had an issue with your mate cheating on you in the past and they have been treating you well, it may be a bit hasty to throw the relationship away because they have cheated on you. Communicate with your mate to find out what the issue is that lead them to stray and come to an agreement before you forgive them.

You have cheated on your mate.

This doesn't mean you should have a tit for tat. The satisfaction you will get out of it is only temporary and you will only isolate your mate even more. But, if you have cheated on your mate, you should be able to understand how they may have been feeling when they did so and how the situation may have presented itself. Just because your mate didn't find out about your indiscretion doesn't mean it was okay.

You have wanted to cheat on your mate.

It's natural to desire some freedom from an attachment when you have been in a long-term relationship. Maybe a good-looking person has caught your eye and you have wished for a moment that you were single. You may have decided not to cheat because you weren't sure that your mate wouldn't find out about it. Your mate may not have been as strong as yourself and gave in to temptation. But, they could be sorry.

You have been contemplating breaking up with your mate.

Before you get too upset and dump your mate, remember that you have been thinking about ending the relationship. There's a good chance that your mate has been sensing what you have been feeling and doesn't feel secure within the relationship.

You have been neglecting your mate.

If you haven't been spending much time with your mate lately or have stopped giving them love and affection, your mate may have felt justified in cheating on you---especially if they have been trying to talk to you about it. Perhaps your intentions were to make it up to them. However, your mate has every right to make sure their wants and needs are being met.

Your heart says its okay for you to take your mate back.

Friends and family members will continue to tell you what a jerk your mate is. And, they will use all the evil things that he has ever done that they know of to prove it. But, when people are hurting, they want the one they feel has hurt them to know how they feel. People often do the same things for different reasons. Your mate may have not cheated in an effort to hurt you, but because they felt they had no other choice. The situation may not be as bad as it appears. And, maybe neither is your mate. Listen to your heart. It knows the answers to these questions.

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