Monday, December 3, 2012

Relationship Advice - Would You Be Happier Out Of Your Relationship Than In It?

Here you are in the middle of a major dilemma: you want to end your relationship but you are afraid to do so... for so many reasons! What should you do? Well, to begin with you have to really be aware and remind yourself, over and over if necessary, if you decide to end the relationship it will not be the end of the world. In fact, believe it or not, your life could be even happier after the relationship is over, than when you were in it.

How is this possible? Because many relationships are not healthy ones to begin with. Ending it could be the best outcome for both of you. You just have to decide to do it and accept all of the good, the growth you will both experience, without focusing on the sadness it is natural you will feel.

Start by taking a look at everything else you have going for you. There are plenty of reasons to be grateful for the life you have. You just have to remember what the positives are in your life and how fortunate your really are. This showing of gratitude, realising you have a lot to be grateful for, will naturally take away some of the negativity a breakup brings.

Next, look past the breakup. Yes, a breakup is hard to accept. And yes, ending a relationship is a painful experience. But that doesn't mean it has to be the end of all the pleasure in your life. It's called "a life" for a reason: because it is meant to be lived. Are you still alive after the breakup? Of course, you are. So start living... not existing!

Focus your attention on the areas of your life that really matter to you. Interests you have found bring you pleasure... and anything else you have had an interest in but maybe never tried. Restart your life. Recharge it and gain a new outlook. There is life after a breakup and it becomes easier as time passes. Not only that, but one day you will attract a new partner, one who is more suited to your life and who you are. You will find the pain you have experienced from ending the relationship you are finding destructive, and the growth you will achieve from looking at yourself and the part you had in the relationship not being successful, will lead you to finding the partner of your dreams.

Make sure to rally your friends around you and stay busy. Idleness is a time for disaster. Let your friends be there for you as friends should be. You might even renew friendships you left behind or jeopardized, while you were trying to salvage a sinking relationship.

Family is also important, especially if you are close to them. No one can make the pain go away, but family can help you to redirect what your attention is being placed on.

This article is brought to you by FREE DATING SITES.

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