Saturday, December 29, 2012

How to Approach Women - 3 Mistakes That Men Make When They Approach a Woman

Approaching women is not the easiest thing to do for most guys. When I say approaching a woman, I'm not just talking about walking up to her and saying hi and then walking away. I mean being able to walk up to her, get her talking and flirting back and forth with you and hopefully being able to land a date with her if she happens to be single. That's what most men seem to have a lot of trouble with and if you don't ever get to a point where you can approach a woman and get some sparks flying between you and her, there is a good chance that you are going to end up being single and frustrated.

So, in order to get the approach down right, you really should know some mistakes that men make quite a bit that you can avoid so that you do end up making a good first impression. Remember, in most situations, that first impression is ALL that you get. It's good to make sure that you do get it right.

Here are 3 mistakes that men make quite frequently when they approach a woman that you don't want to make:

1) They walk up to a woman looking like they have no confidence at all and they expect her to reject them.

You see this happen all of the time at clubs and bars. A guy will push himself to make an approach, or his friends will egg him on, but he doesn't really have the confidence that things will go well. So, as he walks over to that woman, his body language is saying that he expects her to reject him and that is an impression that you don't want to give off. Walk with confidence and assume that you DO have a chance with her.

2) They use an opener that screams out, I'm trying to pick you up.

Outside of those cheesy frat boy style movies, coming across like you are trying to pick up a woman is almost always going to be a big mistake. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't try to pick up a woman, it just means that it can't come across like that is what you are trying to do. Use an opener that makes it seem like you really want to talk to her and get to know her.

3) They don't know how to transition beyond the opener.

You can't just approach a woman and drop a line on her and then expect that you've done enough to make her want to go out on a date with you. You have to be able to move beyond the opener and build both attraction and rapport with your conversation. Otherwise, the odds that you will be going out with her or at least getting her number are not that good at all.

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