Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What to Do If You Think Your Girlfriend Doesn't Love You Anymore

Are you starting to get that feeling that your girlfriend may not be feeling the way that she used to about you? Are you afraid that you are going to find out that she doesn't love you anymore and that she will end up dumping you because of that? That's a hard thing to have to deal with and you definitely don't want to just let her go if you don't have to. You also don't want to jump to any conclusions here, because you really need to know for sure what is going on.

Here is some advice if you are afraid that your girlfriend doesn't love you anymore and you don't know what to do in this situation:

1. Sit down and talk about your relationship with your girlfriend so you can get a better understanding of how she is really feeling.

You may not like all of the things that she might say. You might also get the feeling that she is not being totally honest with you. However, having some conversation on the topic is better than having none at all. When you don't communicate at all about something like this, you are just left in the dark and you have to try to guess what's going on. Sometimes, you might guess right, but you also might guess wrong.

2. Romance your girlfriend to try and make her feel what she used to.

As long as she is still your girlfriend, you usually do have a chance of being able to "fix" things and make her feel the way that she used to. I definitely would not suggest just accepting it as a situation where you can't do a thing about changing the way that she feels about you. Usually, it is the romance that is missing when a woman starts to fall out of love with a guy she is dating. You need to bring that back if you don't want to lose her.

3. Don't panic.

Panicking in a situation like this never helps. It just doesn't. It might be your natural reaction, especially if you really love your girlfriend and you want to make sure that the relationship stands the test of time. Still, the moment that you panic in a situation like this is the moment that you will start doing things that make her want to end the relationship even more. You don't want that to happen, do you?

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