Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Seeking God's Will and Who We Marry

It's so important to find a partner who is a believer also, it's His command to us. Someone we can grow with in Christ and share the journey with for His glory and His kingdom is not only most pleasing to Him but the most enjoyable life for us too.

He is the master builder and he has a plan for your life. One of the most significant and long lasting decisions in our lives will be who we marry, who we are with and the values that are shared and not shared will affect every aspect of your life and your future.

We may not have a specific understanding of who our partner should be, but some things have been made very clear in His word.

First and foremost, we should not be joined together with unbelievers (2 Cor 6: 14-16), doing so will inevitably cause serious issues in the relationship and will cause you or your partner to compromise your beliefs leading to strain in the marriage. Differing beliefs may also keep you from reaching your potential in living the fulfilling life God may have for us.

Do you have a compatible vision or calling on your lives, can you walk together, or will you be an hindrance to each other (Gen 2:18, Amos 3:3). If you are called to serve in a specific way, is it compatible with you potential partner and their Godly vision? If for example your calling is in rural Asia, and your partner is called to urban America, is this compatible? I'm not saying it can't be complimentary to one another potentially, you could spend seasons in each and learn from one another's ministries, but we need to give it to God and be wise about it, use His wisdom, not your own. One of the hardest things we may do in life is to truly give all of our lives and decisions to Him, especially if it's a matter of the heart but we must and many will testify that if you truly do this you will be blessed. See Matthew 6:33.

Seek his will for you, seek guidance from the Holy Spirit, seek His word. Talk to and seek advice from your spiritual elders and mentors, be open and honest with them and make sure they are able to be impartial.

Despite his love for us and His will and plan for us, we still have free will, and He will not stop us from defying His will or making mistakes but choosing so will cause us to miss out on His blessings for our lives. Jesus said that he brings life (John 10:10), I'm personally so excited and thankful that God has an awesome and fulfilling life is store for us if we simply seek Him first.

Have faith and trust in Him. Don't forget that He knows you intimately and He will grant the desires of your heart if you first seek Him. Be patient and trust His timing for finding a partner. After all, He know what He's doing.

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