Saturday, December 29, 2012

Improving Your Relationship With Your Girlfriend - 3 Tips to Make Things Better

So, you have found the woman that you want to be with and you are in a relationship with her, but you want to know what you can do to make things better than they already are. You know that improving your relationship with your girlfriend can only be a good thing and you are well aware of the possibility that things could end up going south one day and you could end up losing her if you don't make sure that you are doing all of the things that you can in order to make things get better and better with her.

Here are 3 tips that are going to help you do just that, so pay attention:

1) Don't try to solve her problems when she just wants you to listen to them.

This is one of the classic mistakes that guys will make when they are in a relationship. Their girlfriend will want to vent about an issue and instead of just sitting back and listening to what she has to say, you wind up trying to solve things and as a result, she doesn't feel like you are really listening to her. Sometimes, women just want their boyfriend to listen and they are not looking for you to solve their problem.

2) Try to be as spontaneous as you can.

When you stop doing things that surprise her, that is when she might start to get the feeling that things are getting kind of stale in the relationship. That's obviously not a feeling that you want your girlfriend to have, so make sure that it doesn't happen by being as spontaneous as you can. Surprise her with a gift for no reason or take her to a concert that she really wants to go to without a whole lot of notice. Just do something that keeps some of that spontaneity alive in the relationship.

3) Make sure that you keep her feeling satisfied in the bedroom.

All guys want to believe that they have no problems at all when it comes to the bedroom, but the reality is that most men end up leaving their girlfriend feeling a little less than satisfied more often than they know about. This is an area that you want to make sure that you are taking care of, so ask her for her honest opinion if she is willing to give it. That way, you aren't just guessing at how she feels about your sex life and you'll know if you can improve things a little bit.

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