Thursday, December 27, 2012

Could You Be in an Unhealthy Relationship?

If you are searching for answers about whether or not you are in an unhealthy relationship, you are probably being lead to do so because you are observing patterns of behavior that are likely unhealthy. You see, people who are in healthy relationships, rarely have a need to seek validation, because they know that the way they are functioning within their relationship is healthy. It's the people who are in an unhealthy relationships, that usually take interest in more closely examining these relationship dynamics. Nonetheless, below you will find factors which are indicative of an unhealthy relationship. Review them carefully and be honest with yourself so that you can most effectively answer the following question: could you be in an unhealthy relationship?

Is there physical violence?

Physical violence is always a characteristic of an unhealthy relationship. Physical violence is when one person uses physical power to control or demean another person. This takes place in the form of hitting, punching, choking, biting, etc. Physical violence is unacceptable in any relationship... PERIOD. If physical violence is present in your relationship, then I must tell you that it is an unhealthy relationship.

Is there sexual violence?

Sexual violence is also a characteristic of an unhealthy relationship. Sexual violence is physical if it includes molestation and/or rape, but it can also be verbal by way of unwelcome sexual advances and/or sexual harassment. Basically, any form of sexually related behavior that is not welcome, is sexual violence. It is often overlooked in intimate relationships, because sex is usually a welcomed part. However, when sexual behavior is present in an unwelcome way, sexual violence occurs. Sex is a rewarding experience in a relationship between the people involved; when it is not, this marks a huge indicator of an unhealthy relationship.

Is there emotional violence?

Emotional violence is also a characteristic of an unhealthy relationship. Emotional violence includes things like name calling, manipulation, and passing insults. Often times, relationship partners defend emotional violence during times of tension because of the negative feelings experienced at that time. This is often justified by comments such as "oh I just said that because I was mad." However, the nature of whether or not a relationship is healthy is determined by the way that relationship partners treat one another during stress, not when things are peaceful. Hence, if a relationship holds emotional violence during stressful times, then it classifies as an emotionally violent relationship and this is unhealthy.

Is there jealousy?

Jealousy is also characteristic of an unhealthy relationship. To some degree, everyone will feel a little jealous in a relationship, due to the feelings between the people in the relationships. But when jealousy interferes with a person's freedom and/or confidence, this is characteristic of an unhealthy relationship. Be careful not to confuse extreme jealousy to prove the degree to which your partner cares. A partner will not try to control who you talk to, what you wear, and how long you interact with others if he- or she genuinely cares. He- or she does these things based off of their own insecurities. When a partner cares for you, they care for your well-being, which means, they are primarily motivated by making you happy. Anything else, is characteristic of an unhealthy relationship.

Is there isolation from family and friends?

Last, but certainly not least, an unhealthy relationship occurs when one partner tries to isolate the other from their friends and family. This is usually done to get control over the other partner. What happens is that when a partner prevents the other from interacting with their friends and family, this forces the person to become completely independent on the controlling partner. Anytime a person tries to decrease another person's propensity to live and function independently, this is extremely unhealthy for a relationship.

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