Friday, December 14, 2012

Playing the Game - "Hard to Get" Explained

Do you have a problem getting a guy's attention and keeping it? Have you mastered the art of making a man notice you or are you still floundering in the crowd? If you want to know the secrets of attracting men, this article could help you.

Everyone knows about the "hard to get" game, but a lot of women play it entirely wrong. "Hard to get" doesn't imply that you act like you are someone else, lie, or just evade calls and text messages. There is a

There is a large group of women who think that "hard to get" is a basic concept that is limited to ignoring his advances and making up a fictitious overbooked lifestyle that makes you seem like you don't even have time for him. Sometimes it's better to not answer his messages immediately, as you don't want him to think you've been waiting by the phone for his voice, but there is much more to it than that.

Making him notice - and want - you is about nothing more than confidence, in the end. Do you stand tall and express yourself proudly? You can't just pretend to be unavailable, you have to really BE unavailable to make an impact. Go on more outings with friends or take on an extra project at work. When he calls to make that date, you should already have a crowded schedule that you have to fit him into - you shouldn't have to make one up!

When you're trying to lure a man in with this unavailability game, don't get too crazy with it. If you're trying to be difficult to get ahold of, that's fine, but don't make reaching you a hopeless prospect. Guys are like lions: they may enjoy the hunt, but if their prey is completely out of sight they will quickly lose interest.

It is also important to make sure this man knows that while you are hard to pin down, you are someone he definitely wants to pin down. Even if you play this "hard to get" game like a master, if there is no prize at the end the gameplay becomes meaningless. Even though you may be playing aloof, it's good to let him know a little about you. Let him know why you are a great catch so that he has a reason to want you.

Once you've hooked him and have him as your man, it's important to not let this game fade out entirely. While relationships require a completely different set of rules, there is still room for a little fun and intrigue. The challenge and effort of acquiring you as a girlfriend should not dissipate entirely once you two are together. Make him keep working to earn your affections even while you're working to earn his. Keep a little bit of mystery and a busy schedule, and you will help ensure that your romance doesn't get boring!

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