Monday, January 21, 2013

My Ex Girlfriend Says She Wants to Get Back Together But She Is Still Messing With Other Guys

She calls you up, you start talking to her and it feels like you are going to get what you want. She says that she wants to get back together with you and hearing her say that is like music to your ears. You have been waiting to hear her say that she wants to get back with you but, there is something that is holding you back from being totally ecstatic about her coming back to you. That thing that is holding you back is the fact that you know that she is still messing around with other guys. What should you do when you are stuck in a bad spot like that, where you can get her back - but you know that there are still other guys in the picture?

The first thing that I would say is... be cautious. Some women are the type to want to just play mind games with their ex boyfriend and lead him on into thinking that he is going to end up back with her, meanwhile, she is just out there doing her own thing. If that happens to be the case, I would think twice about getting back with her, as tempting as it might be for you to do that.

You might feel like it won't be that big of a problem, but when you actually do end up back with her, you might find that it is. Of course, that is if you get back with her in the first place. Like I said, there are some women that will lead on their ex boyfriend just because they can.


If you are not really sure if your ex girlfriend is serious about getting back together or you get the feeling that if she does get back with you, she'll keep having her fun on the side, you might want to wait things out a bit to see what happens. Rushing back into a bad relationship situation isn't a good idea and if you are confused by your ex girlfriend or you think that she might just be messing with your head, it might be a good idea to take things slow and be cautious.

Another thing that you might want to consider is the possibility that she is just messing with other guys right now because she is single and the moment that you end up back with her, she'll stop messing with them because she will have you. That could also be just as likely to happen, so don't discount the possibility that things might play out that way.

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