Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Having the Perfect Photo and Profile on an Online Dating Site Is Not Enough

One evening my husband and I watched a talk show on television. A segment came up with a young woman who had her profile on several dating websites for months, and she didn't get a single invitation?

She was frustrated. The talk show host arranged for two consultants to come on the show to help her. One gave her a make-over. The other an online dating profile expert, rewrote her profile which the expert told the young woman will you " stand out from 22 million people that you are in competition with."


First of all, where did the expert get 22 million? We looked it up and saw that is how many people visit Online dating sites in the United States.

We then thought, how many people believe that this is the answer to finding the perfect person in their lives?

How did the millions of people for centuries find the right mate before these Online Dating Services cropped up in recent years?

Sure looking your best, and having a positive profile online would attract people to you. But, are they the right people? Will a relationship, just by doing these two things, last?

We have nothing against the Online Dating services. Many people have married and found their soul mate. However, there are those who think just having a great profile on a site, and saying the perfect words will attract the love of their lives.

Unfortunately, many look at these Online dating services and think that's all it takes.

It reminds us of marketing, and why businesses fail even when they follow expert marketing advice. Many marketing companies tell business owners, "We can help you attract more customers. All you have to do is polish up your image."

Yes, that will help, but the business owner, and the person with their profile on a dating site, have to also have faith they will be successful with or without marketing themselves or their business.

Now there are those who found their perfect mate, and said it was a time of their lives when they didn't believe they could ever find the right person. So, how do we explain that? They didn't have faith. No, not consciously, but somewhere in their soul they still believed they could find the right mate.

Yes, they may have felt that they would never find someone, but their hearts were still open. And, seemingly out of the blue, they found their soul mate.

Then there are those who feel they may never find someone, and they are bitter. They still do all the right things on the dating sites. They have an outstanding profile, and a great photo. However, the Universe gives them exactly what they project out into the world. Nothing.

So the answer is to yes, visit the online dating services, go out to events, a party, or wherever. But don't rely on your physical appearance, or saying the right things is enough. It isn't.

For those who meet the right person, they would have met that person regardless of the dating site. Maybe at a store, or simply walking down the street.

If you are putting all of your faith in the dating site to bring you the right person, you are worshiping the wrong thing. Turn inside and know your Higher Power is bringing you the perfect mate. Don't worry about how or where.

Keep your heart open, and believe that the perfect person will come to you not from a dating site, but through the site. If not there, from some place else.

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