Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Unique Signs Of His Love: How To REALLY Tell If He Loves You, Or Just Playing With Your Feelings

Does he love you, or is he just playing with your feelings? Sometimes it's not easy to tell, because different men have different ways to show love. But here are some signs that a man in love simply can't hide from his woman.

Sign #1 - He Uses The Word "We" All The Time.

If he refers to the two of you as "we," then that's a great sign! He may not know it himself, but he already sees you as being a part of his future. And that's a great thing, because one of the easiest ways to catch a commitment-phobic men is when he says "I" a lot.

For a man who's afraid to commit, it's all about himself. He's very self-oriented, and everything he does is for his own benefit. It takes a very strong, mature, and commitment-ready man to put himself aside, and instead focus on the bigger reality with you involved.

So does he do things for himself? Or do most of his decisions revolve around the two of you together?

Sign #2 - He Puts You On A Higher Priority.

Everybody has priorities, and a man who's not ready to commit may still prioritize his work, his family, his hobbies, his friends, and other areas of his life over his relationships.

So if you find him spending more time and energy at work, with his family obligations, or his friends, then he's probably not as serious as we'd hope!

On the other hand, when he truly loves you, he'll be ready to drop everything to help you out. To a commitment-ready man, his relationship takes priority over his work, his friends, and maybe even his family obligations.

So does he put you on a high priority? Or do you find yourself trying to compete for his attention?

Sign #3 - He's Not Afraid To Show His Love For You.

When a man doesn't really love you, and is only playing with your feelings, then he'll avoid showing his love in public. He's very self-conscious of his image, and he may not exactly be proud enough of your new relationship to introduce you to his parents or relatives.

But that's not the case with a man who truly loves you!

We all have issues with PDA's (public displays of affection), but to a man in love, other people's opinions are the least of his worries. He loves you as his partner, and he's not afraid to show it!

(You're sexy and you know it!)

So what do you think? Does the man in your life right now REALLY love you? Or do you have that nagging feeling that he's only playing with your feelings?

If you'd like to learn more about how dating and relationships work today, then I'll be happy to be teach you my secrets!

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