Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Simple Answer To What Men Want In A Woman

Most women would like the perfect relationship and are looking for ways to improve upon it. However for many women this can present unexpected challenges. So if you are in doubt to what men want in a woman, here are some fantastic tips to put you in control and build a happy relationship.

Because all people are unique they are also unique when it comes to their wants, needs, likes and dislikes. The things that males expect from females vary wildly, but there are some common characteristics that consistently pop up in studies. Contrary to popular believe, what men want in a woman is not just sex, although it may seem that way at the beginning of a relationship.

As relationships mature, many males look for a companion and a friend above everything else. He wants somebody with whom he can comfortable, a safe harbour when the seas are stormy. Many studies have concluded that males that enjoy the trust, friendship and confidence of a female mate are happier. Such relationship are often able to survive troubled times and because there is mutual trust both partners are content to keep things as they are.

Males also desire their ladies to be their partners. Modern males no longer fulfill the role of sole bread winner and protector of the family alone. A relationship is more a kind of partnership. Both partners need to make decisions together and take responsibility for their joint lives. Both troubles and joy are shared. A true partner will provide support when necessary and equal partners recognize the strengths and weaknesses of each other.

Of course, sex is a significant part of any relationship. It is not just the sexual act itself that guys want, however. They crave intimacy and they enjoy ladies that are confident in bed. It goes much further than that, however. Females that demonstrate their love and their happiness in public do wonders for the self confidence of every guy. In return they often offer their open admiration and readily declare their partners to be the ideal companion

Many steady relationships result in fully fledged families. Guys like their ladies to be good mothers. He expects her to cherish the offspring of his loins and to make the children her priority. The ability to be a good mother is one of the most cherished characteristics valued by guys. A good mother is often seen as somebody that teaches their children proper values from an early age.

Modern guys also like their partners to be intelligent and active. They need to grow as a person and they must show an interest in the world at large. Guys have found that ladies with their own interests are better able to cope with family life. They should have experiences and hobbies independently from her partner. This makes her more interesting and it opens the door for sharing experiences with each other.

Guys want to be proud of their better halves and that is why they enjoy ladies that take care of themselves. Too many women allow themselves to become out of shape, to visit a shopping center without putting on make up or entertain at home without making an effort with her appearance. By saying guys like ladies that look after themselves, it is not narcissist vanity that is meant but simply a person that knows how to keep looking her best.

What men want in a woman is not really earth shattering. They want honesty, intelligence and companionship. They want a good friend that is also a considerate lover. They enjoy somebody that are confident in her own abilities and that can act when necessary. They worship females that always look their best and that can conduct themselves honourably in any situation. Occasionally, they also want a tiger.

By taking action and using the simple strategies in this article you are now in the position to find out to what men want in a woman. Now you can get rid of your insecure feelings and move on to enjoying a healthy relationship and discover more advanced strategies to please your man.

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