Tuesday, May 1, 2012

How to Approach Women When You Are Shy

The last thing that most shy guys are going to do is to approach a woman without thinking about it over and over and over again. You know what I mean. You feel that sensation, that tingling that tells you that you want to walk over to that woman because you think that she is absolutely beautiful, but for some reason - you stay trapped in that pattern of over thinking things and it just does not happen. Or, you just don't feel like you have the experience that you need to have and so, you talk yourself out of going on over to her even though you really want to. It's hard to get to know women when you have a hard time initiating things, but it is something that you need to be able to do.

Usually shy guys have it a little bit harder than guys who are not nearly as shy because they are used to being the guy that looks but does not approach. It's hard to undo the patterns that we are used to doing all of the time. Of course you can undo them, it just takes a little more effort for you than it does for some men. That's okay though. There is some simple advice that you can use that will help you to get this thing down.

Here is some advice on what to do if you are a shy guy and you want to be able to approach women:

1) Use your shyness as an asset and not as a crutch.

Most of the time, you are probably thinking that shyness would be a crutch that you can lean on when you just want to talk yourself out of making your move. However, it can just as easily be an asset in the right situations. You can come across a little less threatening to a woman when she senses that you are not the kind of guy who is always going out to try and pick up women. That can be a very good thing, especially if the woman you are making the move on is the kind of woman that is used to getting hit on by lots of guys.

2) Take every opportunity that you can get to immerse yourself in what you are shy about.

I think that this is one of the best strategies for a guy to employ. If you are used to coming up with excuses for walking on over to a woman, then don't make them anymore. Approach women when you are out on the street. Or, when you are in the mall. Wherever you go, if you have the chance to strike up a conversation with a woman, take that opportunity. It's not about getting the pick up, it's about doing it so often that it eventually is no longer something that you think about, it is just something that you do. It becomes normal to you.

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