Thursday, October 25, 2012

How to Flirt on Facebook - A Guide for Men

In this day and age, almost everyone is on Facebook. It's one of the first things people do once they meet. They know each other's names, so they add each other on Facebook.

This can be great for your dating life. You can meet a woman once, and then very easily catch up with her by sending her a message on Facebook. That's something you never could have done before, unless you had the nerve to ask her for her phone number or a date on the first time you met her. So it seems like Facebook makes dating easier.

But it can have the opposite effect. Because a lot of guys who are really good at talking to women online are terrible at talking to them on Facebook. And that makes sense. It is a totally different way to communicate. For one, you can use the body language that most people use in person. And you have to suddenly care about how you type things. Should you type lol or hahaha? They are tricky questions, and the answers can escape even the most experienced offline flirter. But there are answers to all of the most important flirting questions when it comes to flirting.

First thing we need to deal with is poking. When poking was introduced, it was clearly put in place to make it easier to flirt. But should you use it? It validates that rule I generally have that says you shouldn't be too explicit about your interest in a woman until you're sure that she has feelings for you to. So my policy when it comes to poking women on Facebook? Let her start it. If she's the kind of person who gets a kick out of poking, she'll poke first and you can return it. That way you'll never poke anyone who thinks poking is stupid.

When it comes to how to type your words, my rule is to just follow however she is typing. If she doesn't capitalize, you don't have to either. In fact, you shouldn't. If the way you type is drastically different from how she types, there will be a disconnect. That would be like an in person conversation where one of you is talking in a fancy British accent, and the other was talking like a gangster. You will probably not end up dating if that's the situation.

Those are the basics to flirting on Facebook.

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