Saturday, August 4, 2012

Relationship Advice - Is She the Right One For You?

Few people really like the dating scene and would much rather fast-forward to finding the ideal person for them and settling down. But how do you know when that is? How do you know if the woman you are with is actually "the one"? There are a few ways to tell... if you know what to look for.

First, you have to take a good long look and see why you want to be with her. Is it because she is fun to be around and you miss her when she isn't with you? Or is it because you don't want to be alone, and right now she is the best option you have? This is where you have to be brutally honest with yourself. Women like to know they are appreciated for what they bring to the relationship: they don't want to be a temporary fix to your loneliness

Second: is she fine the way she is or are there major issues that drive you crazy ("major" being the operative word). Everyone has little annoyances their partner would like to do without but which they tolerate because they really like the person. But maybe there are a few really "bad" habits you simply can't overlook and, each time you see them or are made aware of them, maybe they are so annoying to you they take something away from the relationship.

You can expect a person to change only so much and then it becomes an issue of two people who just do not fit together.

Third: is she more than a partner? Is she your best friend? Can you open up to her like no one else? Do you treasure the time you spend together and it is never enough? And would you be afraid to only be with her for the rest of your life?

Fourth: has your relationship always come easy or have you had to struggle just to try to make it work? Have there been significantly more good times than bad ones? The right relationship will come naturally. It doesn't require an over-abundance of work just to try to tolerate one another.

If she is the right one for you, then you won't have to talk yourself into it. The feeling this is right will well up from within your very being. You will have the sensation the "right thing" to do is to be with this girl. If you have to talk yourself into it or if you even hesitate when you ask yourself, then you need to step back and re-evaluate the situation.

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