Thursday, July 26, 2012

Starting A Conversation With A Woman - How To Break The Ice With A Girl You Like

Did you know that starting a conversation with a woman is actually easier than you think? It's all about knowing what she wants from a man like you. Here's how to start and carry a great conversation with a woman.

Nothing's Simpler Than "Hi"

Any good conversation with a woman starts with the greeting. Do you like her? Then simply approach her and say "hi." If she's not interested, she might respond with a curt: "Yes?"

But invariably, you'll meet a woman who's interested in you, too. And she'll reply with an eager "Hello yourself!"

Now don't underestimate the first greeting! Women want real men who have the guts to make the first move. So go ahead -- learn the art of saying "hi!"

Compliment Her Easily

After introducing yourself, feel free to give her a light compliment. Simple, friendly compliments like, "I like your hair," "I like your bracelet," and "I like your scarf," are harmless and inviting. (They're also great for awkward silences: "By the way, I like your necklace... ")

But do be careful, and compliment safely. Dangerous compliments include "You're beautiful," "You're sexy," and "I like your body." These simply send the wrong message, and tell her that you have only one thing on your mind!

Have A Goal For The Conversation

Finally, if you want your conversation to go well, you'll need a goal for it. Whether it's just to pass the time, to make friends, to get her number, or to ask her out, decide what your goal for the conversation is -- and stick to it!

The problem with many men is that they DON'T have a goal for their conversations with women. They beat around the bush and aren't really clear with their intentions. This results in quite a bit of frustration and confusion, both for themselves and for the women they talk to.

Here's a tip: If you're looking for a girlfriend, your goal for the first conversation should be to get her number. Your second conversation should be a coffee date you set up over the phone. And the intimate "date" conversation should only come when you're regularly asking each other out.
Why this approach? Because it's always better to leave a good first impression to get her thinking about you. It helps her look forward to the next time you bump into each other!

That's how to start and carry a conversation with a woman! If you want more tips about what women want when they're in love, then I'd love to help you.

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