Wednesday, July 18, 2012

5 Tips on How to Get Him to Date You

You've been pining on a guy for the longest time and you are dying for him to ask you out. Your nerves are getting in the way and for some reason; you shoot him that don't-you-dare-come-near-me stare whenever he's around. Or when he tries to strike up a conversation, you get so terrified and the only way to conceal it is by talking too much about yourself. Is it your fault that the guy who graces your dreams is not asking you out on a date?

Here are a few tips on how to get him to date you:

1.) Be Polite and Don't forget to Smile

One thing that attracts men the most is a pretty smile. If you manage to maintain a sunny disposition, you are going to attract his attention and he will think you are fun to be with. When you wear a smile on your face, it makes you look more approachable. This is especially helpful if the guy is shy. He won't be intimidated to come up and talk to you. If you act like a snob, it will take a very special man to break down your walls and that hardly ever happens in real life. Be respectful towards others so you'll be treated the same way.

2.) Be Confident

Ask any guy and he will tell you that the sexiest quality that a woman can ever have is confidence. It really doesn't matter what size you are, as long as you know how beautiful you are both inside and out, it's going to transcend and the people around you will see that. Try this trick- when you walk into a place, act like you know where you're going, even if you don't. People in the room will stare at you, keep your head up and think you are the sexiest woman alive.

3.) Don't Act Needy or Desperate

If there is one thing that repels men, that is desperation. Being desperate roots from a person's need to find someone. When you give too much importance in finding a man, you lose yourself in the process. You become less confident and you will have the tendency to settle. Stop telling everyone in the office that you are looking for a potential husband and you have to find one as soon as possible because your clock is ticking. You have to realize that relying on someone to make you happy is a big no-no. You have to be happy on your own before you enter a new relationship.

4.) Learn How to Flirt

If you want to know how to get him to date you, you have to learn the art of flirting. Some women are born with a knack for flirting but some need a decent amount of training. Don't worry because if you keep practicing, you are going to perfect your moves eventually. Watch how your friends do it and ask for some tips. Flirting is a great way to let a man know you are interested in him. Aside from touching your hair, you can use playful gestures like touching his arm quickly while you talk to him. If he likes you he is going to flirt back with you.

5.) Gather up the courage to ask him out

If you've done everything on the menu but he still wouldn't ask you out on a date, why not ask him yourself? Is this a desperate move in a man's book? A sensible man would say this is quite a turn-on. If he rejects you, move on. At least you know you tried. Can't crucify a girl for trying!

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