Monday, July 30, 2012

Relationship Advice - Are You Too Sweet To Your Partner?

Picture it: you meet someone, everything seems to be going great. You are constantly complimenting them, hanging on their every word, and you are really enthusiastic even over the slightest little things they do. You're the perfect partner, right? Wrong!

There is such a thing as being too "sweet" and it can actually drive people away instead of creating its intended purpose.

Some people just do not believe there is such a thing as being too sweet. But for those who are dating these people, it comes across as being over-the-top. Nice is one thing: being too nice means it starts to get a little creepy for some. So what constitutes being "too nice" or "too sweet"?

1. You compliment them on everything they do and say. Complimenting someone is fine, but there is such a thing as going overboard. No one wants to have everything they do praised. This takes away from the legitimate compliment.

2. You are way too agreeable. It's great to be in-sync with your partner... like having the same tastes and the same interests. It makes a relationship much more comfortable. But people who are too nice let everything get by them. These are the type of people you would love to kick... and then they would compliment you on how strong your legs are.

It's okay to disagree with some things. In fact, it's natural. People expect a little bit of resistance. In fact, if they never get it from you, chances are they will begin to do things just to see if they can get a negative reaction from you.

3. You're so interested in everything your partner does it is borderline stalking. Taking an active interest in your partner is fine. Loving what they do is great. Exaggerating your level of interest... is creepy.

There is such a thing as taking too much interest in your partner. They need their space. Overstepping this line where you encroach into their personal space or delve a little too deeply into their privacy is not appealing. It rates along the same lines as trying to follow them into the bathroom.

4. Partners like to date someone for who they are. Being so interested in your partner means you never show who you really are because you are so focused on your them. This makes the relationship uncomfortably one-sided. It might be intended as flattery, but after a while, your partner will become bored because they never get to even know you, the real you.

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