Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Let Go Of Old Emotional Baggage And Stop Making Bad Relationship Choices Today

Do you know that bad relationship choices are driven by old unmet emotional needs that often undermine one's ability to make healthy, self respecting and discerning choices in relationships (and other areas of life)? Do you know these unmet needs are generated and supported by old emotional baggage stored within the subconscious mind in the form of negative memories of abandonment, rejection, neglect, abuse, betrayal, humiliation, loss etc. earlier in life? Finally do you that by simply erasing these memories it is possible to fulfill those needs internally thus leaving you feeling whole, complete, at peace, in charge of yourself, emotionally independent and self sufficient, emotionally mature, secure and able to make clear discerning choices in all areas of life? Want to learn more about how this can begin to become your reality today?

For instance suppose one was abandoned early in life they would have stored within them the memory of that event. With it would be associated negative self beliefs such as: I'm unwanted, I'm unlovable, I'm inadequate, I'm unattractive, I'm defective, I'm worthless, and so on.

These beliefs make one feel like they are deficient or lacking and therein lays the source of the feelings of neediness. The need is often so intolerable that it must be "filled in" or "met" in anyway possible. As most people are also led to believe that the only way to achieve this is to "get" what they need from someone else this leads them to desperately connect with anyone who will give them some attention.

As I think you can see this is not a wise strategy because the attention they get from others may not necessarily be for their best interests. This drive to fulfill these intolerable needs makes them vulnerable to making unwise impulsive choices that puts them in danger of being further hurt and/or exploited. This of course only deepens the problem and the cycle continues.

What most people do not realize is that the emptiness associated with their emotional neediness can only be filled internally. So you might ask how is that possible if the person feels deficient to start with?

Well, it turns out that what they are deficient in is what I call their Life Force Energy (LFE). LFE is essentially the energy of life and it is also the source of all their positive internal resources such as confidence, esteem, worth, strength, courage, resilience, peace, security etc.

LFE becomes progressively depleted from the mind/body each time an individual experiences a negative life event and then has the memory of that event downloaded into their mind/body. Those memories behave as what I have termed LFE Parasites that feed off of one's life energy thereby leaving one feeling depleted, deficient and hence "needy"!

It is now possible with a new coaching process developed a decade ago to restore LFE to the mind/body simply by erasing/deleting these negative memories from the subconscious mind where they reside. This systematically, permanently, and cumulatively helps to restore one to a state of wholeness and completeness.

This also puts them firmly back in control of their lives and able to make wise, self respecting and discerning choices in all areas of life.

So if you are one of those individuals who is caught in a negative cycle of making bad relationship choices and you would like to end this, take your life back and start having healthy relationships kindly visit the web site below where you can request a free introductory telephone/Skype coaching consultation that will begin to take you there today.

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