Saturday, February 23, 2013

Tips on How to Text a Girl

For all of you guys that may have decent skill level with dating women, you may find yourself frequently getting phone numbers. You go out at night with your friends, end up meeting a girl at the bar or club and have a great interaction, and then you exchange phone numbers. You may be ecstatic after this happens as you may believe you have everything locked with her. Well, you and many others are not even near sealing any sort of deal with her. This is where you need to know how to text the girl.

When I first started getting into dating, I found that every girl I texted almost never responded to me. Regardless of how much fun we had the night we met, I would get nothing the next morning. Sometimes girls may just be out having a fun time with alcohol and may give you the number to enhance the moment and then forget about you the next day. This is where you need some good text game.

For the girls who are evidently drunk, you need to text them within minutes even if you are both still in the club. Help her re-experience the fun you had, and this way she will also remember you in case she is drunk. If you wait too long, you will just be a fun couple of minutes to her that she will forget about. Dealing with girls that are drunk can be difficult, as they become totally different the next morning when sober. The best attempt would be to repeat a joke via text that you both laughed about during your interaction. Not all girls get super drunk, so here are tips to have a successful text the next day.

First off, don't listen to anyone that has said to wait a few days before texting a girl. Totally wrong. You need to text a girl the next day so she can be reminded of the experience you both had. One common mistake that guys make and I used to make, was simply texting boring stuff like "Hey," "What's up," and generic lines like that. The key here is to make her laugh so she can relive the fun experience she had with you. Take note and remember what you talked about with the girl. For example, if you both talked about how you hate cats, you can invite her over to go cat shopping in a playful way. She will laugh and be reminded about the fun you had the night before.

To make simple, just relive the funny interactions you had with each other so she can be reminded of your value. Texting is simple, but many guys end up losing girls with boring and predictable texts. Make her laugh, and more importantly make her remember why she talked to you and the value you bring to the table as a man.

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