Thursday, February 28, 2013

Dating Advice for Men - Three Mistakes of Inexperience

In my opinion, there are lots of mistakes that men make that can all be traced back to their inexperience with women. I don't just mean inexperience as far as dating goes, I also mean inexperience as far as socializing with women just on a friendly level as well. Those kinds of mistakes do make it harder to understand exactly what it is that you need to do if you are going to attract women.

Here are 3 mistakes that I see men make that come from inexperience with women:

1. Thinking women are all wired exactly the same way.

If you go broad enough, then it might seem like this is true. However, if you get into the details, you know that this is not true. Thinking that all women are wired the same way is what makes guys think that they can learn one really good pick up line and they'll be able to do well with all women. That's just not the way that it is and if you really want to do well with females, you have to give up on that oversimplified look at women.

2. Thinking that making a woman feel a little bit of sexual tension is a bad thing.

I can't believe how many guys think that it is a bad thing to make a woman feel sexual tension. There is the bad kind of tension that just breaks rapport, but there is the good kind that actually increases a woman's desire and her attraction and that is sexual tension and that is what you want to know how to create if you are going to do really well with females.

3. Being afraid to disagree with a woman every now and again.

Sucking up to a woman is not the way to go. You need to be able to disagree with a woman every now and again. That makes the attraction seem more genuine and more real. It's okay to not like every single thing that she does and to make that known. I see a lot of guys do this. They'll act like they totally agree with a woman on everything because that is what they "think" they are supposed to do.

Making mistakes is one thing. Making too many mistakes is another. If you really want to do well with women and have an easier time when it comes to dating, these are 3 mistakes that you need to avoid making.

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