Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Do's and Don'ts of Text Flirting

I remember those days when I would spend an abundant amount time on trying to craft the perfect text message and it would almost always backfire. I would work so hard to get the girl's number and ultimately screw it up with some really stupid mistakes. It used to be quite difficult to convert a number into a date. Women are weird creatures and littlest things turn them off when it comes to text flirting. The best thing to do is to eliminate as many little obstacles as possible so you are one step closer to your goal.


  • The panic attack: Never freak out and send another text if she doesn't respond to a text you sent within 24 hours. Just text her the next day or the day after with a completely different text from your first text.
  • The Bro Humor: Never try to flirt by texting dirty, weird or inappropriate jokes. What's funny for us guys is not funny for girls and vice versa (remember that golden nugget).
  • The Booty Call: Never text after 10 PM, unless initiated by her or you just don't care and are looking for a booty call(ain't nothing wrong with that).
  • TUI - Texting Under Influence: The point mentioned above applies specifically to DRUNK TEXTING (hate waking up with that guilt/regret feeling the next morning).
  • First Way of contact: I never make the first point of contact, a phone call. When you get a number, always text and get some banter going and then schedule a call to make a date/build rapport or for whatever purpose. This has been very effective for me.
  • The Bum: Never be a slacker and use slang or abbreviations. Women pay a lot of attention to details and if your first impression is of a lazy bum then good luck.
  • The Dreaded Friend Zone: Don't panic if she tries to put you in the Friend zone by calling you kiddo, friend, buddy etc. She is being flirty or just testing you. Try pulling that card first when you know she is really interested and see what happens(thank me later).
  • The Nothing Text: Never initiate the conversation by the "Nothing" text i.e. "Hey What's up", "Yo", "What up", you get the point. She is not your boy and you are not a frat kid trying to act cool. Women find this very unattractive.
  • The Awkward Guy: Never come across as a boring guy and ask questions like these in a row; "how's it going", "what are you upto", "how was your day" and etc.


  • Call Me, Maybe baby: Always wait a few days(3-4) before making the first contact, if and only if you know your first interaction when getting the number was awesome and she is waiting for you to text her. On the other hand, if you didn't invest a lot of time in the first meeting, the sooner you text the better. This is because we want to make sure she doesn't forget about you, as you were probably not the only guy to talk to her that night.
  • Callback Humor: Always use an inside joke from the first or previous meetings, this work wonders and some times I get a response back in a heart beat.
  • The Low-key Text: When trying to initiate the conversation and you can't come up with an inside joke, try to flirt over text with a low-key message. Classic example I use "What's up punk!", or "what's up dork!"(hoping you were a playful/flirty guy in your first meeting).
  • Mr. Dos Equis: Try to be mysterious and unpredictable by varying when you reply back to her text messages and the length of the message.
  • The Same old st: Always vary your text messages from being funny, flirty, building comfort and etc. Never do one of the same in a row.
  • MOST IMPORTANT: Even though I love flirting via text, you don't want a virtual relationship. Make sure to get to a high point in your conversation where you ask to schedule a phone call to plan a date. Always plan a date through a PHONE CALL, never through texting.

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