Friday, February 1, 2013

Building Social Circles

Most people have some kind of social circle at any given point in their life. That does not mean it is a large circle, but you have at least two or three people you have known for some time and hang out with on occasion. Now, what do you do when you discover it is time to break out of your shell somewhat or just meet new people? Well, you are going to have to get to work on building new social circles.


Over time people tend to settle into routines, they hang out with the same people and do the same things repeatedly. This can severely limit your social life, in particular you dating life after all you know everyone in your current circle and even those on the fringe.

Building a Circle

Most of the time social circles are built over time and you really do not even realize it is happening. This does not mean you cannot purposely begin constructing a new circle, in fact for most people it is quite beneficial.


Instead of just falling into relationships with people, begin to really assess what type of friends you want in your circle. For guys who are looking for more dating options you want to look for the cool guys and resist the temptation to hang out with guys who are "beneath" you so that you will shine brighter. While this tactic may sound promising, you will actually be bringing yourself down and definitely not putting yourself in the position to meet "A" lister quality women. When you figure out your dynamic, it is time to find out where the cool kids play and join in the fun.


Do you have a hobby? Now could be the perfect time to start a new hobby. Have you always wanted to try skydiving but for whatever reason put it off? If you are building a new social circle this is a fabulous way to meet new interesting people. This is especially true if you have always been a play it safe kind of guy, and imagine the kind of women you could meet.


School is another forum where you can quickly meet a number of people. Enroll in community college; take a specialty class or any other type of class that puts you into contact with a large number of people on a daily basis. Through your daily interactions, you will quickly begin putting together a social circle, which will vastly improve your odds of meeting women of all kinds.

Expanding New Connections

Meeting new people is only half the battle when it comes to building your social circle. You will begin determining who will be a solid part of the circle and who may just be on the fringes. As you find the people you click with it is time to expand upon the relationships, invite them to hang out, barbeque, go to the lake or play tennis. Whatever your favorite pastime may be, invite your new potential friends to come along. How soon should you spend an evening with your new buddies? It will depend a lot, on how well you hit it off, some people you will bring in immediately and others may take a few weeks to warm up to.


Are you tired of fishing in your current dating pool? Would you like to meet some new people and perhaps expand your horizons? Social circles have various purposes, dating; networking and friendship are the most common. Over time, a social circle may outlive its usefulness, or you need more than one circle in your life.

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