You have tried long and hard to be able to talk to a woman. And now that you have, you just could not help but wonder if you had been the kind of person that you wanted to project. You sure did have a good conversation with that woman you met. But are you sure she liked your conversation too? Was your first impression a good one? If it was possible, you probably would have recorded everything. If it was possible, you might have taken a look at her mind to see just how well (or how bad) you were doing when it came to your first impression.
Did you know that there is a list that helps you see if you are on the right track? Well, now that you know that something exists, you sure are excited to learn more about how to make a good first impression on that woman you have been eyeing.
Interest. Were you interested in her? Were you interested in what she had to say? It is said that this may not be quite important but it sure does help if you show that lady that you are interested in her and the many things that she has to say.
Of course, it is said that a man should always have a shroud of mystery surrounding him always. This makes women become even more attracted to a man. However, it is also important that you show bits and pieces of yourself. You should make her feel that you are interested in her so that she would not try and find someone who does.
How presentable were you? It should matter. The way you dress, the way you present yourself is extremely important to a woman. After all, a woman is quite a vain creature. If you are with her and you are not in any way presentable, do you think she would go out on a date with you?
Remember, it is said that there is no way you would be able to make a second chance to make another first impression. That is why it is called the first impression. You only get one chance and you need to do it well. Women like men who are presentable. And they believe that a person can tell what kind of person you are by the way you look physically.
You should be decisive. This is a trait that all women really like in men. It is very masculine and it is something that you should learn. Of course, this is something that you can pull out because you want to try it out. It takes practice so you should make sure that you practice decisiveness in your daily activities.
A woman does not like her man to be the needy type of person. That is why you should make sure that you do not look and sound desperate to her. The more you show that you are, the more that the woman would shy away from you.
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