Tuesday, January 18, 2011

5 Great Ways to Ask for Her Phone Number

#1 Approaching her directly

When it comes to this, it really is just that simple and direct. All you need to do is just say "Hi, I'm in a rush right now as I have an appointment. But I know that I will be kicking myself in the butt later if I don't ask for your number now!" At first look, this might not really seem like a good or strategic way, but this actually is one of the quickest way to get over the awkwardness of asking for a phone number from a girl. Needless to say, this also helps greatly in building up your self-confidence the more rejections you face.

#2 The "Not Asking" Method

This method seems to work the best when you are conversing with a woman whom you just met and you are both busy. Say something like you are in a rush right now, but you would like to talk to her again sometime tomorrow. As you finish saying this, hand her over your phone naturally and she will automatically know what to do. This way, you don't even have to speak out the dreaded question of "Can I have your number pretty please?" and save the awkwardness!

#3 Asking for the date first

I am sure you probably have realized by now that asking for a phone number doesn't necessarily always ensure that she will actually answer or call you back. The number she gives you might even be a fake one! But what if you ask her out on a date right away and she agrees? Although you might get a lot less numbers with this approach, but you would be able to get a lot more successful dates!

#4 The Texting method

This is one of the sneakiest method but yet also one of the most effective methods, as it is a lot less intrusive as compared to calling her. All you need to do is to ask her what she would be doing later in the day during the conversation, and then show a little bit of interest and ask her whether she can do you a small favor and text you how that particular place was. Then you just continue from there... I am sure you get the idea.

#5 Approaching Indirectly

When you are using this method, you will need to really make sure you are having a good conversation or you will probably have a difficult time following up with her or even getting her to respond to your follow ups. What you do is you engage her in a conversation regarding something you saw online and then ask her whether you can send a link to her phone and let you know what she thinks about it. If you do it correctly, you can usually turn it into something really great after that!

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

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