Friday, January 7, 2011

3 Ways Women Used to Flirt With Men

In the game of 'seduction,' most guys like yourself, are clueless when it comes to women attracted to you. In her mind, she knows very well about her intention. On the other hand, you have no idea that she's interested in you.

I won't deny that women are really confusing. It's quite common for a man to think a woman is whether flirting with him or not. The mixed signals she gives are hard to understand and could drive a guy crazy. To understand on this point, men won't go around the bush when flirting, no playing guessing game for our intention. In short, we're very straight forward. On the other hand, women like to be more mysterious.

Rather than showing all her cards out, a woman normally uses her subconscious to flirt. She gives off many different signals to show how interested she is to a guy without realising it. By learning how to detect these signals, it will be much easier to get phone number.

Now let's get to the most common questions: How do you know she is genuinely flirting with you? Here is a scenario, you've approach a girl, both of you are having a great conversation, having jokes. But when decided to make your moves, the last thing she says "let's just be friends," so does she interested in you? Here is a very simple solution...... read her body language.

# 1 - She keeps looking at you

This is a very simple theory. If you see something you like, you'll keep looking at it. This applies to women when she is attracted to a guy.

For instance, you're in a bar, you'll tend to look around and happen to notice a girl in the corner across the room. And when you look back, she just keep her eyes set on you. Consider this as a "welcome" message sent to you.

Women flirting method are mainly using their eyes contact.

They would give you an eye signals and wait for your approach rather than making the first move themselves. In simple, If you maintain the eye contact with her, don't wait and make your move.

# 2 - She is seeking for your attention

Too often, men have failed to seize the opportunity when women use this method to flirt. There are times when a woman constantly stay by his side, making small talk, or make the effort to get your attention.

Guys, be alert of the situation, don't ignore that girl who is constantly sitting by your side. No doubt on this, if she neglect her friends just to get near you. She must have a reason for her action.

# 3 - She flashes a smile to you

Everybody in this world give a smile as a welcome greeting. Without further explain, when a woman gives you a pretty smile, she's open to you.

A smile and eye contact are similar, when a girl flashes a smile to you, it means a welcome message has been sent. In other words, she is telling you to make your approach and strike a conversation with her.


If you get any of the above three flirting signs, don't hesitate to take action. Women used all these signals to seduce the guy she is attracted to. So be aware and recognise all the signs. They are all very straight forward way of expressing a woman's desire. The rest is up to you.

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