Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Why Is It That the More You Ignore a Man the More He Chases You? Here Is Why This Always Occurs

Very few people are actually able to fathom what's going on inside men's minds. It's because they're quite secretive about their feelings. And one of the things that continues to puzzle women is the fact that men are suckers for chasing.

Why do they prefer to have someone who needs to be chased rather than someone who'd readily give herself? And why do they keep following you despite the fact that you're already ignoring them?

That's the way nature designed them.

Men are just instinctively following what they're feeling. They want to chase because they're, simply put, designed that way. To them, the harder it is to reach a certain woman, the more that they would persevere to win her.

They mystery in women and men.

Just as men aren't that easy to read, they too would want to understand women. And to them, women could be quite mysterious. Imagine speaking with someone who says she doesn't care if you don't pick her up from the grocery yet when you go home, you'd realize that she's already fuming mad!

Women who aren't easy are more precious.

Men also believe that women should be sought after. This is an age-old game and it's the only way that it should be played. Society believes that the decent women are those who wouldn't give themselves to a man on the first or second date. Therefore, a woman who holds out until you're seriously committed is the more precious catch.

Ignoring him proves that you're not needy.

Men don't want naggers, clingers and needy women. So, if from the onset you prove to him that you just don't give your full attention or time, then he'd perceive you to be an independent and highly confident woman - one who doesn't need a man to make her complete.

Ignoring him might make him think that you have many other options.

Imagine him aching so badly to get to know you and here you are not giving him what he wants right away! And imagine his reaction when he sees other men still hovering about.

Ignoring him will prove that you're no pushover.

Men would never want to date a doormat so seeing a woman who doesn't even look his way that much poses a great challenge to them.

The more you tell him that you want to take your time...

...the more eagerly he would wait for you! For these are men - they want to chase, hunt and conquer!

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

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