Saturday, October 16, 2010

Why Do Some Men Struggle to Ask a Woman Out? 7 Major Reasons Why Such a Thing Tends to Happen

It is really funny how men can be brave and self confident around women in general but the moment they are in the company of the woman they like they begin to act nervous and insecure! This in fact is a natural reaction and it is because of their need to impress her that makes them feel inadequate. Here are some tips that will let you know why men find it harder to ask out the woman they like!

It puts them in the spot light
One thing men know, and that is if they make any sort of move towards a woman, it shows and confirms their interest in her. Asking her out is proof to the world that he likes her a lot and sometimes, it is hard for a man to handle the attention he gets when he makes his feelings be known! It puts him in the spot light and he can't handle it.

He is not yet ready to make a statement of any kind
By asking her out, he is making a statement. He is letting her know of his feelings, and he is also letting others - friends and family - know that he is willing to make place for a woman in his life. This can be pretty unnerving to say the least! This is why he might find it hard to ask her out.

They want to put off the moment for fear of rejection
Even though he may act confident around her and become good friends with her, he may not be really sure of her feelings and attraction to him. This will make him hesitate and put of the moment of asking her to date him because he is afraid that she might reject his advances and invitation.

When it comes to her - he feels inadequate and nervous
When it comes to relating to the female sex - he can act like Casanova or Rudolph Valentino! But when it comes to that special lady who has stolen his heart - he is a bundle of nerves! This is a common reaction and he feels inadequate and nervous because he knows that he as to score with her and is afraid that he will not be able to do so.

It means admission of his feelings
If he asks her out, it is obviously an admission of his feelings and he does not feel like admitting to her or to the world that he has fallen hard! Some men like to be known as the elusive bachelor! This could be the reason why he finds it really hard to ask her out even though he really likes her.

He feels shy about putting his feelings into words
There are plenty of men who find it extremely hard to put his feelings into worlds. While he stares dumbly at her and gazes with longing as she flits across the room, he just cannot find the words to ask her out. On the other hand he finds it easy to converse with other women who don't really mean anything to him!

He wants to be sure so he is waiting for her to make the first move
Men really do have a morbid fear of rejection and this is the reason why they will procrastinate and take their own time to make a move towards the woman they really like. Rather than take a chance, he will wait for her to make the first move!

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

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