Sunday, October 24, 2010

How To Get A Guy Interested In You! A Trick Most Women Overlook When It Comes To Attracting Men

Men are not as complicated as they seem to be. They are actually pretty simple, if you were to look at some of the things they want from a woman, their desires are pretty basic. BUT, the problem is that while men want basic things, it's WOMEN who make things far more complicated, which in the end leaves men without a whole lot.

So if you actually want to know how to get a guy interested in you, you should therefore start with the basics; and this is a trick that most women overlook when it comes to attracting men:

Know What To Talk About

So lets say you meet this really great guy, and he strikes up a conversation with you (or you comment on something), but then your mind goes blank after that. Suddenly you feel really stupid, as you stand there not knowing what to say; and you probably end up saying something lame, which you will regret later...and you never see him again.

Knowing WHAT to talk about makes it easier for you to attract the right man; but also makes it easier for you to APPROACH (or be approached by) him in the first place. It can also ensure that instead of embarrassing yourself, you can get his phone number or contact details; or vice versa...and it leaves him thinking about you for the rest of the day (or even week).

But WHAT do you talk about?

What topics get a guy going crazy? Well, the most successful approach is to talk about something around you. It can be the traffic, a book he is holding etc.... but taking the topic away from both you and him makes things less awkward and smoother.

Next, you should add a hint of humor. Humor is a naturally attractive; but if you are worried about offending him by saying something this is where you turn the conversation on yourself. For instance, if you were talking about how crazy the traffic is; you can then say something like "This crazy guy was driving behind me the other day swerving back and forth. I thought he was going to hit me, then I realized he was just checking out my bumper...or maybe he was just tailgating...but my car is super sexy, I'd follow it around too."

When said in a flirtatious and funny manner, it will make him drop his guard and think "wow...this chick is sure different" then he will start wondering what you are like for real.

Now of course you can take the humor any direction you want, but telling a humorous story about yourself (even an embarrassing one) or a general story that most people can relate to (but is funny), makes him REMEMBER you because you leave an interesting and unique impression to him...yet at the same time you opened him up (primed him) to feel comfortable around you, and to feel like he could laugh and be easygoing with you.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

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