Thursday, March 14, 2013

How to Flirt Effectively With a Woman - Tips for Making Her Feel Connected to You

The best flirting that a guy can do is the kind that really makes a woman feel like she is connected to him. If you want to know why some guys can seem to have nothing but success with women, it is usually because they know how to make a woman feel an instant sense of connection with them. Of course, just knowing that this is something that you want to be able to do doesn't mean that you are actually going to be able to do it. This article is going to show you some tips on how you can flirt with a woman so that she does start to feel a connection with you.

Here are a few tips for flirting effectively with a woman:

1) A shared joke can go a long way towards building rapport with a woman.

If you can, try to find something that you and her have in common that you can joke about. It doesn't have to be the best joke ever, just something that both of you can relate to in a funny way. For example, if you find out that you both have pretty monotonous jobs, that is something that you can joke about and it is something that you both have in common.

2) Connect with her through the eyes.

This really is one of the best ways to make a woman feel like she has made a rare connection with you. If you ask most women, they will almost all say that they do pay attention to a guy's eyes. Thankfully, if you perfect your gaze, you don't have to have those dreamy blue eyes that you think you have to have to really connect with a woman.

3) Use a little physical contact when you are flirting with her.

People that know each other tend to touch each other in certain ways when they are talking. Well, at least if they really feel like they share a connection with one another they will. If you want to make her feel that way when she is around you, don't be afraid to use a little bit of physical contact. Sometimes something as simple as a hand on her shoulder while you are looking at her is all you have to do.

You really do need to know how to flirt with a woman if you are looking to get better in general as far as dating goes. A man who doesn't know how to make a woman feel like she is connected to him is a man who is probably going to be spending some alone time, if you know what I mean.

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