Wednesday, March 20, 2013

How to Attract a Girlfriend - You've Got to Be Electrifying

A friend of mine and I have a little inside joke that we tell before we go out to clubs or bars. He'll say, "how are you feeling tonight," and I'll say Electrified. It cracks us up because it kind of sounds corny, but the fact remains that there is some truth in there. Somewhere. One of the things that acts as kind of a repellent to women is when you come across as being just another boring guy, hoping that somehow and in some way, you'll be able to make a woman fall for you. That's not exactly the best state to be in. As corny as it does sound, being electrifying when you go out is going to get you more action than being totally boring.

The sad thing is, most men don't seem to know when they are being boring. Sometimes, I think that they actually think that they are being exciting and electrifying. They'll talk about their boring job and their boring boss and their boring life and somehow feel like they are really bringing something to the table. The bad thing is, the woman that they are talking to has a totally different opinion. She is just bored. However, most women don't say that. They don't come right out and tell you to be more interesting. Instead, they find an excuse to get away. They go to the bathroom, or they say that they have to find their friend, or they turn to the bar tender and talk to him instead.

Here are some tips that will help you become less boring and as a result, make it so much EASIER for you to attract a girlfriend:

1. Don't talk about yourself so much.

One of the secrets for making conversation that is interesting, is that you need to make the other person feel like they are more involved than you are. A good way to do that is to get the woman to talk about herself. It's an easy thing to do, I find that most women don't have a hard time talking about themselves unless they are boring themselves. Yeah, there are women like that out there. I try to stay away from them as much as I can. If you can get her EXCITED while talking about something that she LOVES to talk about - it's not that hard to take that excitement that she is feeling and direct it back at yourself.

2. Actually start to do things in your spare time that are interesting.

You don't have to be a rock star or a millionaire to do interesting things. Really, as long as it SOUNDS interesting, you've already won. For example, you might have some friends who really aren't that good at making music, but since they are a "band," you can truthfully talk about how you hang out with them before a gig and that alone is going to sound kind of interesting. Or, you can do some outdoor activities that don't cost money like hiking. The more things that you can bring to the table in a conversation that sound interesting - the more likely it is that a woman is going to be interested in YOU.

3. Learn how to talk sexually to a woman in a way that totally excites her.

You can't go and talk the way that they do in bad movies where the guys use puns in all of the wrong places or just end up sounding like a creepy little pervert. What you can do is to use words that are sexual, but not really use them in a sexual context. For example, you can tell a story about something that you did recently, but weave it in such a way that it has a sexual undertone to it. When you can do this really well, not only will you attract a woman's attention, but chances are good that she will be a little bit excited just by talking to you.

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