Sunday, February 6, 2011

What Does It Mean If He Says You're Special to Him - How to Find Out If You Mean a Lot to Him!

Are you trying your best to read between the lines and understand what your boyfriend in actually saying to you? When he says you are special is he trying to tell you something? There is no need to be confused and wonder if he has something up his sleeve! Take a look at these tips and know what he means by telling you that he is special.

He wants to tell you that he loves you
The very fact that he tells you that you are special means that you mean a lot to him - more than the others! He is trying to get the message across that his feelings for you are not superficial or shallow and that he cares deeply for you but has no idea how to blurt out those magical words "I love you"! This is why he settles for the word "special".

He needs you to know that he is moved by your presence
You should realize that by telling you that you are "special" it means that he is making sure that you know that he is being affected by your presence. Everything about you moves him and it shows that you are very important to him. Your words, actions and general behavior will not go unnoticed or unappreciated by him.

He wants you to know that you are more than a friend to him
The fact that he has gone out of his way to let you know that you are special shows that his feelings for you have definitely undergone a real change and he is now serious about you. All you have to do now is pick up vibes and decode his body language and you will see that he likes you more than just a friend.

He wants you to be prepared for commitment
The fact that he has become serious about his friendship with you and wants to upgrade this friendship to a higher level, shows you that he is now thinking of letting you know of his interest. He has told you that you are special, which is a sign that he likes you in a way that is unique and not like the way he likes others.

He holds you in high esteem
The reason why he has told you that he finds you special is because he wants to let you know of his feelings for you but does not know how to put it into words. Maybe he is shy and does not want to come out and tell you that he loves you. He probably holds you in high esteem and thinks the world of you!

He is trying to let you know that he won't let you down
Because he told you that you are special, it shows that he is trying to form a special connection between you. He wants you to know that because he considers you special he has acknowledged his feelings for you and will not do anything to make you feel unhappy. You should respond to this in a positive way as he has not hesitated to let you know that he likes you.

He wants to date you
The fact that he made it a point to let you know that you are special to him shows that he is interested in dating you. He has made a step towards elevating you from the position of friend to someone who is more than a friend! If you take the trouble to look closely you will see that he will back his words with actions that will leave you in no doubt as to his feelings for you.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

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