Monday, February 14, 2011

How to Learn to Give a Man His Space - Know Why You Should Let Him Off the Hook From Time to Time

Everyone believes that a man should have his space every once in a while. It's his right just as it is also yours. Here's why you should let your man loose when he asks for it and how you could cope with this new setup.

Get used to it.
If you want to learn to give your man space, then be prepared to get used to the idea of letting him go every now and then. He's going to need it and so would you. Don't be afraid to let him go because he'll miss you more if you give him his temporary freedom.

Never make the man feel guilty.
Remember that it's his right to have a little time off at times. Let him go without making him feel bad about it. Don't say something like - "Sure you can go, I would be left here on my own, though."

Enjoy your YOU time as well.
As he's out, perhaps, you might also want to meet with your friends and watch the latest flick. You may also want to go to the salon with them. Imagine how pretty and how relaxed you would be at the end of the day! This is surely a win-win situation for you!

Never lose your individuality.
You may be committed to the man but that's no excuse to start behaving like him and to start doing only the things that he wants. Don't focus your world on him because you'd only end up disappointed. Behave like you, stay as you are.

Don't make a scene.
Imagine crying buckets of tears all because the poor guy wants to have a little time off! Let him be vocal about his want for space - don't take it personally. This is, in fact, an indicator that he's already opening up to you so let him go once he asks for it.

Don't cut short their boys' night out.
Just because you have nothing to do while he's out having fun, doesn't mean that you can just butt in there and be the ultimate party pooper. His friends will surely tease him for keeping such a clingy woman.

Show much confidence in front of him.
Even if you're still not completely confident, at least show him that you are; proving that you have no insecurities will make him feel assured of a successful relationship. Let him go, go your own way, and don't think about him for a few hours or days - the rule is pretty simple.

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