Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Smile Your Way Into a Date for Valentine's Day

Being alone and lonely is no laughing matter. Being alone on Valentine's Day is enough to make you want to burst into tears (yes, even we guys feel like crying at these times).

However comforting a good cry may be, a sad and tearful face is unlikely to attract a happy date. So smile, open your mind to the people around you and focus on three important thoughts:

1. Lonely you may be but you're not alone in feeling it more come Valentine's Day. Fact is, between now and February 14th you'll probably cross paths with ten other singles who feel exactly the same way. Now if you asked just one of them for that date...

2. Everyone feels shy about asking someone new out on a date. When you take the initiative, you relieve the other person of that risk while offering them a share in the rewards: what's not to like about that?

3. If at first you don't succeed, their loss. (Let me repeat that: their loss!) Take a moment to regroup, reorganise your smile and then ask the next spunky single who comes your way to celebrate Valentine's Day with you. Remember, it's just a date, not a marriage proposal!

So what's stopping you, fear of rejection? Sure, we all fear rejection, but what makes all the difference is how you manage that fear. If you give in to the fear, you'll wind up pre-rejecting yourself, without even taking a chance on a positive outcome. Talk about a foregone conclusion: if you never ask there's no chance of rejection, but equally no chance of a date.

Just for once, switch off that negative self-talk, give self-condemnation a rest, and back yourself: a positive outlook and self-confident smile makes a world of difference to your whole day and will definitely improve your chances of getting that Valentine's date.

Does this ring true? It should: everyday thousands of people open their minds to positive change and follow their dreams, with the help of hypnotherapy. If you want to know more, read on at Acumen Clinical Hypnotherapy

(c) Copyright Acumen Clinical Hypnotherapy 2011

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