Monday, September 24, 2012

How To Get A Girl - How Do I Find A Girl?

How do I find a girl? That is probably the most common question ever asked by any man who wants to get a girlfriend. No one wants to be alone and the hardest part always seems to be finding someone. Where to go, what to do, what to say. There is a lot to getting a girl, and you need to know it all if you want to find a girl.

Where do I go? The answer to this question is easy, anywhere. Always be ready to find a girl, you never know when or how you'll meet her. It could be at the gas station, or at the mall, anywhere. You have to realize that you are being checked out, and judged, everywhere you go. You always have to be ready!

What do I do? This question is a little more complicated. You have to show her that you are a strong and confident man. That you are used to just walking up and having conversations with women that you find attractive. This is hard to do but if you want to find a girl you will have to practice it constantly. With enough practice it will soon become second nature to you and you will start to become the strong and confident man who most women find attractive.

What to say? Again this is an easy answer, anything! It doesn't matter what you say, it matters how you say it. Your conversations with women need to be fun! Say a few jokes, maybe some quotes from your favorite movies, anything that will make you laugh. Laughing will show her that you are having a great time talking to her and that its okay for her to have a great time talking to you!

Do not get all nervous talking with women, you are just having a fun conversation with them remember? There is no fear of rejection because at this point you are not trying to go out with them. There are signs she will give you if she is interested in anything more than having a conversation with you, so watch for those but otherwise just have some fun!

To find a girl all you have to do is keep your cool, keep your eyes open, and be ready for when you meet her. Remember to always practice your conversation skills with any woman who you find attractive. Do not be nervous, women will sense that you are uncomfortable and think that you are not worth their effort.

This article is brought to you by DATING SERVICE.

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